Dear Gary,

My neighbour is mid-way through an extension to build out the back and side of his house, coming in quite close to mine. But the proximity is not the issue.

My concern is he started this pre-Covid and, like many, had problems getting supplies as prices rose. This is not a problem now and his front garden is full of tiles, breeze blocks, etc.

Originally the finish date was June 2022, then June 2023. So far this year no work has taken place.

I and some other neighbours are fed up living next-door to a building site. The back garden is an overgrown tip with a Portaloo in it, as well as an old garage door and a lot of other building supplies.

The work started after planning permission was granted and I know there is a clause that work must be started within three years. But I do not think there is anything about finishing it!

I have spoken to my neighbour (he’s a nice guy) and he always has some explanation, but I do not think he realises quite how bad it is.

Do I have any grounds for legal complaint? 

- Anon, by email

Dear reader,

Looking back, my first awareness of the law as a concept was sitting in church as a child and reading The Ten Commandments emblazoned behind the altar.

“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” is the Second Commandment, and forms the bedrock of the others.

But the problem here, it seems, is that your neighbour’s rules for his life – in terms of being untidy and unable to complete tasks – fall short of how you wish to be treated.

In treating his neighbours in the same way as himself, he may not be fully aware that his actions and omissions are distressing to others.

The main obstacle here is for your neighbour to fully comprehend the impact his conduct is having on you and others.

And while the last thing we want to create is a full-blown dispute with your neighbour, I hope that if you go to him with your concerns and gently explain the points of law set out below, he will see sense and co-operate.

You are correct that building work for which planning permission is required must commence within three years in England and Scotland (five years in Northern Ireland and Wales), but there are no express powers for the local planning authority to force it to be completed. 

In situations like this, relevant legal issues can be trespass and the Party Wall etc Act 1996, as well as nuisance and harassment. Though if your neighbour is, in your words, “a nice guy” then harassment is unlikely to apply here. 

You mention the proximity of the building work to your own house. While this may not bother you, it is of legal significance because under The Party Wall etc Act 1996 any party seeking to carry out building work close to a party wall or other boundary with next door must serve notice on the other party. The critical distance is three metres.

For example, if your neighbour has had to dig within three metres of your boundary wall to put in foundations, he should have served a Party Wall Act Notice, because getting so close to your own foundations and boundary is a potential trespass.

The purpose of the Act is both to preserve the structural integrity of neighbouring properties when building work is carried out, and to put in place a structure to help resolve disputes.

It sounds like your neighbour has not complied with the Act.

How can this help you now? Well, it is leverage in that you could say you will not take legal action against him for breach of his obligations if he does certain things you ask of him such as tidying up the site, or indeed completing his building work within an agreed time frame. You could include all these conditions in a written agreement.

The other legal route to explore is “nuisance”.

In legal terms, this is defined as an action by one party which causes a substantial and unreasonable interference with another party’s land or their use or enjoyment of that land. I am sure you and your neighbours being forced to live with an eyesore building site will feel the circumstances here fit the definition.

But you’ll need to understand when an everyday nuisance or annoyance becomes a “legal nuisance” and, in that sense, get into the mindset of a lawyer who may wish to read a case where the issue was examined in detail by the Court and principles of law were set out.  

One such case which also looked at the Party Wall Act, trespass and issues of harassment is Jones & Lovegrove v. Ruth & Ruth, which dates from 2010.

In that case a homeowner carrying out extensive building work over a very extended period was held liable for damages arising from the length of time it took to carry out the work, including damages for personal injury because the ongoing stress visited upon the neighbours having to endure it led to one neighbour being unable to work due to the mental strain.

The Jones case is different from yours in the sense a significant issue was the noise and vibrations caused by the work and the fact it was far more extensive than first disclosed, but there are principles to be extracted from the case which fit your predicament.   

One other point is if you think the nuisance next door is a risk to health and safety the local authority should be informed and asked to investigate – and take enforcement action if deemed necessary.

I hope once you have walked your neighbour through the legal issues, but more importantly made him see how distressing this is to you and others, he will at least tidy up the site, even if he cannot afford to complete the build.

Ask A Lawyer should not be taken as formal legal advice, but rather as a starting point for readers to undertake their own further research.

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