Labour has been keen to lay all the blame for the squeeze on Middle Britain at the door of the Conservative Party.

The party has dubbed rising interest rates “the Tory mortgage penalty”, while shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has accused the Government of “gaslighting” the public over the country’s improving economy.

And now that Rishi Sunak has gambled on a snap poll on July 4 to capitalise on falling inflation and encouraging growth figures, we can expect to hear Labour blaming the nation’s economic misfortunes on the Tories.

Labour will be happy to make the economy the battlefield of the campaign. After years of rampant inflation, rising interest rates and stealth tax raids, they have plenty of ammunition.

Britain is suffering the longest hit to living standards on record as the cost-of-living crisis and stagnant wage growth have upended the finances of households across the country. Taxpayers are straining under the heaviest tax burden since the 1940s.

Homeowners have felt the pain particularly acutely. Rising interest rates have added hundreds of pounds to monthly mortgage payments, pricing out first-time-buyers and forcing many to sell their homes. “Tory mortgage penalty” has become a stock phrase in the Labour lexicon. But is there any truth in what Labour says? 

The ghost of Truss

Liz Truss’s doomed premiership has come to symbolise Conservative economic ineptitude.

In September 2022, then-chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng delivered his notorious “mini-Budget” and sent the economy into a tailspin. His unfunded plans to slash income tax and reverse a National Insurance hike spooked the markets. Government borrowing costs soared and mortgage lenders started to pull their best rates.

As Mr Kwarteng delivered his speech, the Bank of England base rate sat at 1.75pc. Just two months later, it was 3pc, after one rise of 0.5 percentage points and another of 0.75 – the largest single increase in the rate for 30 years.

On the day of the mini-Budget, the average two- and five-year fixed mortgage rates stood at 4.74pc and 4.75pc respectively. By the following Friday, these rates had jumped to 5.17pc and 5.1pc. They kept climbing until the average two-year fixed rate hit 6.65pc in late October 2022, when inflation hit a 40-year high of 11.1pc.

The short-term effects of the announcement were acute. But the Truss mini-Budget should be understood as a “miscalculation” that sped up the inevitable, according to Andrew Wishart, a housing economist at Capital Economics.

He said: “The initial rise in mortgage rates in late 2022 was definitely due to concerns that the UK would be unable to repay money, which pushed up bond prices and meant the Bank of England having to respond.

“But this only brought forward what would have happened in the end anyway – mortgage rates shot up after that, driven by concern that inflation was remaining high and that rates would have to stay high.”

Jeremy Hunt, who succeeded Kwarteng as chancellor, ended up reversing much of the mini-Budget, stabilising the markets.

Mr Wishart added: “If [Truss’s policies] had stayed in place, the impact on the economy would have been more severe.”

While the mini-Budget may not have helped, rising prices were the driving force behind the subsequent hikes in mortgage rates.

Andrew Goodwin, chief UK economist at Oxford Economics, said: “If you happened to be remortgaging around the time of the mini-Budget then you were very unlucky, but the lingering impact has been small.

“It’s much harder to pin the blame for mortgage rates today on Liz Truss. Inflation has been the main driver, and this has been down to external factors beyond the Tories’ control.”

Rising rates

These external factors – often cited by Rishi Sunk when defending his party’s economic record – were a supply-side shock during the pandemic, spiking energy prices following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and persistently strong wage growth.

Mortgage rates had already risen by the time of the mini-Budget, as markets feared high inflation would stick around.

The Bank of England kept raising the base rate until August 2023. But Tory MPs have accused the Bank of being too slow to spot signs of the economy overheating, meaning it has had to keep rates high for longer as a result.  

Inflation fell to 2.3pc in April, marginally above the Bank’s 2pc target, but still higher than the expected 2.1pc.

Despite a pessimistic reaction from traders, who pushed their prediction for the first reduction in interest rates from 5.25pc from June to November, a cut over the summer could still be on the cards.

The fear in Conservative ranks is that an overly cautious MPC delays rate cuts despite fragile growth, and inflicts unnecessary pain on the economy as a result.

Mr Wishart said: “The economy is still quite weak in growth terms. But the Bank is worried about cutting rates too quickly, and inflation staying stubbornly above target.”

Pain for homeowners

It’s easy to forget that the rock-bottom interest rates in the years following the financial crisis were the exception, not the rule. By historic standards, the current Bank rate of 5.25pc is approaching the long-run average.

Even so, with the average two-year fixed-rate deal approaching 6pc, homeowners reaching the end of their fixed mortgage deals are being forced to refinance at rates that are double what they are used to. In early 2022, average rates were well below 3pc.

More than 1.5 million homeowners are due to remortgage throughout 2024. Research commissioned by the Liberal Democrats suggests 900,000 homeowners could be hit by mortgage rises of £240 on average by November.

The Financial Conduct Authority, Britain’s financial regulator, has warned that more than 750,000 households are at risk of defaulting on their mortgages over the next two years as soaring borrowing costs make payments unaffordable.

However, it should be noted that pain for mortgage owners isn’t confined to Britain.

In America, homeowners usually take out 30-year fixed rate mortgages, so they haven’t felt the same refinancing shocks as in Britain.

But because mortgages don’t tend to be portable in America – meaning they can’t be transferred to a new property – high mortgage rates have put people off moving home, thereby inflating the price of those properties that do go on sale.

This has meant a double-whammy for first-time buyers, who face stubbornly high prices and rising rates.

Mr Wishart said: “House prices in America are still highly unaffordable for people entering the market for the first time – lots of first time buyers being priced out.”

Economic ‘gaslighting’

Reeves, the shadow chancellor, has accused the Conservatives of “gaslighting” the British public with its claim that economic conditions are improving.

The recovery may be fragile, but the Prime Minister has a plausible case that things are getting better, albeit slowly.

GDP expanded by 0.6pc in the first three months of the year, ending an official recession that had lasted for the second half of 2023. Britain has moved from sixth place in the G7 growth league table at the end of 2023, to first place today.

Inflation has fallen from a colossal 10.7pc when he took office to 2.3pc today, although given the Bank of England’s responsibility for monetary policy, Sunak can claim little credit.

Lucian Cook, of the estate agent Savills, expects two to three interest rate cuts this year, and an improved outlook for homeowners.

He said: “We’re going to see mortgage costs reduce by the end of the year and the beginning of next. This will ease some of the pain on their household finances.”

Rishi Sunak has gambled that the promise of better times to come will be enough for his party to retain power on July 4. But for an electorate battered by years of economic hardship, these green shoots may be too little, too late.

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