Government failings have affected millions of women, who were not adequately informed about changes to women’s state pension age.

The latest stage in the Waspi campaign has indicated a compensation scheme should be set up to remedy those who have been affected.

The women’s state pension age has increased rapidly in recent years so it now matches men. It’s been the cause of considerable controversy, triggering the Waspi campaign which claims some women were treated unfairly. 

Here, Telegraph Money sets out how pensions for women work, and what changes you need to be aware of. 

Waspi women and pensions

You’ll likely have heard of the term “Waspi” in relation to women’s pensions, having been extensively covered in the media over the past few years. 

The issues are related to the changing of women’s state pension age, which changed from 60 to 65, to match up with men (both have since changed to 66). However, millions of women who were affected by the change say they were adversely affected, since they weren’t adequately informed, which has had a financial knock-on effect for a certain group of retirees.

What was the Waspi decision?

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) released the findings of its five-year investigation on March 21. It was a damning assessment of the conduct of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). 

Not only did it find that the DWP failed to adequately communicate changes to women’s state pension age, but the report said it also “did not adequately investigate and respond to complaints about these issues”.

Further to this, the PHSO said it has reasons to believe the DWP will not take steps to put things right, and is presenting its report to Parliament, asking it to intervene and find a way to provide an appropriate remedy – including compensation and an acknowledgement and apology.

The DWP’s communication of pension age changes are only one area of complaint the ombudsman has been made aware of. It says the department has “declined to act” on other issues that have been “consistently highlighted” in complaints – and a further report later this year will set these out.

When will Waspi get compensation?

The ombudsman’s report says the DWP “failed to provide accurate, adequate and timely information” about areas of state pension reform, and it is asking parliament to intervene in this case.

It is keen to set out a remedy, and said complainants should not have to “wait and see” whether the DWP will take action to rectify the failings – instead, it has asked parliament to “act swiftly”. 

However, it’s still unclear what form a remedy would take.

While there have been many calls for those affected to get compensation (including Scottish National Party politician Alan Brown, saying the Government should give payouts of £10,000 or more to those affected), this is, by no means, a done deal.

In its report, the ombudsman said four of the five test cases it looked at were “at the higher end of level 4 on the severity of injustice scale” – this suggests compensation of £2,950 each.

The DWP has said it is carefully considering the findings – and that it is cooperating fully with the Ombudsman’s investigation – but it is not bound to follow these recommendations.

Will the general election delay Waspi payouts?

The Conservative Government has so far resisted the idea of paying compensation, and it will likely stay that way until after the election in July.

Parliament will be dissolved on 30 May and committees will also be dissolved, so Waspi campaigners fear the groundwork laid in getting the process moving will now stagnate.

The Work and Pensions Committee said the Government needed to outline its plans for compensation before summer recess on July 23, but this will longer be the case due to the election.

Once a new Government is formed, the workings of any compensation scheme could be tricky because of issues around working out who would be eligible and on what basis. The timescale will therefore likely be extended.

What is Labour’s stance on Waspi compensation?

Sir Keir Starmer urged the Government to give its verdict on the PHSO report but stopped short of committing Labour to implementing its recommendations.

A source told The Telegraph that the Labour leader won’t be pushed into making promises and the party “won’t make any unfunded spending commitments”.

Jeremy Corbyn pledged to pay compensation to the Waspi women in his 2019 manifesto. But Sir Keir has since wiped the slate clean and has made no such commitment himself.

Eyes will be on Labour’s manifesto to see if Waspi payouts are pledged.

What is Waspi?

Waspi is a campaign group which stands for “Women Against State Pension Inequality”. It was set up as a result of the state pension age for women shifting from 60 to 65, in a bid to match up with men. 

A cohort of women born in the 1950s argue the change was handled unfairly and resulted in some having to wait six extra years until they could retire – as the state pension age then increased to 66.

Waspi agrees with the equalisation of ages, but says the affected women were not given sufficient warning.

As this change was to have a profound impact on their retirement plans, they found themselves with declining incomes. The campaign group has been calling for compensation for many years.

Jason Witcombe, chartered financial planner at Empower Partners, said: “Many people rely heavily on the state pension for their retirement provision. The women who did this were hit hardest, as there was little time to make alternative plans.”

The Waspi group claims the “injustice” potentially affects more than 3 million women, but it’s estimated more than 270,000 have died while it’s been seeking justice.

As lots of those affected did not have the finances to plug the gap, some were forced to work for longer.

Becky O’Connor, director of public affairs at PensionBee, said: “Insufficient time for adequate financial planning disrupted retirement plans and placed financial strain on those unable to continue working due to health issues.” 

What is the pension age for women?

The state pension age for women is currently 66, the same as it is for men. This is set to gradually rise to 67 between 2026 and 2028, in response to increasing life expectancy, better health – and the rising cost to the government of providing the benefit. 

As for private or workplace pensions, both women and men are able to access their savings tax-free from the age of 55. This is set to rise to 57 in 2028.

How has it changed?

The state pension age used to be 60 for women and 65 for men, but between 2010 and 2020 the women’s age increased in stages to match men’s state pension age. The plan is for the state pension age for both genders to remain the same, and increase at the same rate.

While a further increase to 68 was initially planned for between 2044 and 2046, this timetable has been reviewed, with an earlier increase now set for between 2037 and 2039.

There is also speculation that this could get brought forward again to as early as 2033.

How much pension do women get?

How much state pension you get depends on whether you receive a “new” state pension or the old basic state pension, as well as your National Insurance (NI) record and the number of “qualifying years” you’ve accrued.

Basic state pension

The “old” rate applies if you reached state pension age before April 6, 2016. The full basic pension is currently £156.20 a week – or £8,112.40 a year.

The old rules, which include “basic state pension” and “additional state pension” (such as the state earnings-related pension scheme, or SERPS) were complicated. This made it hard to know how much you were going to get until you were close to state pension age.

If you reached state pension age before April 6, 2016, you were required to have 30 years to qualify for the full amount of basic state pension. (That said, the amount you get was made up slightly differently).

New state pension

Those reaching state pension age after April 6, 2016 will mean the new rules apply. This is available to men born after April 6 1951, and women born after April 6 1953 (when state pension ages differed between genders).

Currently, the full level of the state pension is £203.85 per week, giving an annual income of £10,600.

Under the new system, you’ll need at least 35 years of NI contributions to receive the full amount. Contributions can be from working, or receiving NI credits – which bolster your record when you’re out of work for reasons such as bringing up children or providing care. 

Current rules also state that to be eligible to get any state pension at all, you need to have at least 10 years on your NI record.

How will the changes affect me in the future?

As the state pension age increases, it means you might end up having to work longer than you planned, particularly if you’re due to reach state pension age around the time the age increases. If you’re affected, you might need to change your retirement planning.

Lots of people – and many women in particular – rely heavily on state pension income when they reach retirement, and for some it’s their only form of income. But this is not even enough to find a “minimum” standard of living in retirement, and it can be very difficult to get by.

According to Retirement Living Standards, you need £31,300 a year to fund a “moderate” retirement. Even a “minimum” standard of living would require an annual income of £14,400.

You will need to alter your reliance on the state pension and realise that responsibility for securing your financial future will increasingly fall on your own shoulders.

This means thinking more about both workplace pension savings and also private pension savings.

How do I find out if I am affected by the rise in state pension age?

To work out your state pension age, you can use the calculator below.

Note that this is the earliest age at which you can begin receiving your state pension, and it may differ from the age you can get a workplace or personal pension.

If you want to know how much state pension you could get, when you can get it – and potentially how to increase it – you need to check your state pension forecast here.

As it can be tricky trying to navigate the state system, requesting a forecast should be viewed as a really important part of your planning.

Married women and the state pension

Under the old state pension system, if you are a married woman but haven’t paid sufficient contributions to get a full basic state pension in your own right, you may be able to boost your pension by using your partner’s NI record.

This so-called “married woman’s rate” can only be accessed if your spouse retired before April 2016.

This rate is up to 60pc of your partner’s basic state pension. You can see if your partner’s contributions are relevant to you by answering a few questions on

Note that if you reach or reached state pension age after April 6, 2016 – and get the “new” state pension – your state pension will be based on your NI record only, so the married woman’s rate won’t apply.

How to fill in gaps in your NI record

Some individuals – and lots of women, in particular – may not have sufficient NI contributions to qualify for the full state pension.

This may be, perhaps, due to taking a career break to raise children, or to care for elderly relatives.

If there are years in which you didn’t pay enough NI to provide a “qualifying” year, you can opt to top up your record instead. You can do this by making what are known as “voluntary contributions” – currently, these cost £17.45 a week.

You can usually make voluntary contributions for gaps in the previous six tax years, but currently for men born after April 5 1951, or a woman born after April 5 1953, it’s possible to pay for gaps between April 2006 and April 2016. You have until April 5 2025 to pay.

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