Dear Richard,

When I was younger, I had issues around food and was bulimic for a period of time. But now I maintain a healthy weight and am more relaxed about what I eat. I enjoy my food – especially when I eat out with friends.

But I have one friend who, without fail, will comment on my food portion when it arrives. ‘Oh that’s huge’/‘What a big plateful’/‘How will you get through that?’ She said it the other day when my garden salad of rocket, cucumber and tomato arrived! I then felt greedy and it diminished my enjoyment. She made a huge fuss about ordering a ‘half size of soup’ and objected when it arrived because it was so big! I noticed she ate it easily enough, then polished off her roll, asked for my butter and had a large chocolate biscuit after.

I really don’t like people making remarks about my food. I get embarrassed when they declare a small or regular portion to be ‘enormous’. It ruins my meal. A family member always says this at Christmas – as if we eat Christmas dinner every day! I then feel duty bound to leave half, or am consumed with guilt for finishing it. (At least that’s an improvement on the old days.)

How do I politely ask friends and family – especially this one woman – not to express negative judgments about my food? I would never say to anyone that what they were eating was ‘too much’. What I would hear is, ‘You’re fat and greedy.’

— Anon, via email

Dear Anon,

Firstly, congratulations on successfully overcoming your eating issues. It can’t have been easy and you deserve to feel proud of yourself. Bulimia is a particularly pernicious disorder and it must have taken real determination to banish it.  

Now, to this friend of yours. Perhaps you haven’t stated the obvious in your letter because it’s, well, obvious… but at the risk of doing exactly that, it seems pretty clear to me that she has a problematic relationship with food of her own.

It’s certainly not normal behaviour for her to unfailingly comment on the size of your meal when it arrives. Maybe now and again (though even so, why?) – but every time? And always to say how huge it is? Even when it’s a simple salad?

A clear pattern is emerging here, especially when we consider her angry reaction to her own portions: even half a cup of soup was, in her eyes, excessive. So she’s not just judging what you eat, Anon – she has the same exaggerated reaction to her own food. I think if you can keep this analysis at the forefront of your mind when you’re eating together, her obsessive remarks about the size of your plate will fall into perspective and you won’t be so troubled by them. Context is everything.

But if her attitude continues to upset you, then just stop breaking bread with her – or call time on the friendship entirely.

I’m interested by your family’s comments on portion size – especially the Christmas remarks. I wonder if other family members might have food issues themselves. Could that be linked to your own former bulimia?

On the other hand, it may be that your experiences have left you sensitised to such remarks and they aren’t as frequent and overstated as you think. It’s worth thinking about this, too.

Mind offers support for people experiencing issues with food and there’s advice on the NHS website

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