“Young people don’t feel honoured by this country”… “The needs of young people aren’t being prioritised here”. Reading some of the comments by – you’ve got it, said young people – in an article on the BBC website about the Tories’ recent election pledge could, at times, feel like an exercise in self-restraint. Honoured by this country? Are they having a laugh?

On the one hand, though, they’re right. Rishi Sunak’s vow to sign up 18-year-olds to some form of national service should his party win the election seems, on the face of it, an appeal to those older voters who are more likely to put a tick next to the Conservative candidate anyway. Stiff upper lip and service to your country, young man! Young people today don’t know they’re born. Etc etc. It’s easy to see why this particular ruse has been derided as a cynical ploy to shore up the support of Tory voters who are eyeing up Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party.

And yes, £2.5 billion – the estimated cost of the scheme – is a lot of money that could be spent elsewhere: on, say, education, or restarting the Sure Start scheme, or reinstating proper careers advice for teenagers. Not all 18-year-olds are unemployed drains who would be better deployed elsewhere. And no, they haven’t really been consulted on this one. But since when did politicians consult on proposed policy changes anyway, if there’s an election coming up?

It is true, also, that if this is an attempt to bolster our sadly threadbare Armed Forces, it’s not one that’s guaranteed to work. While there’s an alternative to enrolling in a 12-month military scheme, in the form of community volunteering, channelling young people so deliberately in the direction of military service could well backfire: not only do you need to have the capacity to equip and train them, but there’s a massive risk you end up with a demotivated workforce feeling as if they had been forced to choose between two bad options. As one former paratrooper wryly told me when discussing this issue recently, “We’d end up using the entire Army as a training team for it to grow – and we’re already undermanned and overcommitted.”

He’s not wrong. British Army recruitment has been below target every year for more than a decade. Our Army is currently at its smallest size since the 1700s: just 75,166 soldiers. It has halved in size over the past 30 years. Our full complement of Armed Forces is a mere 183,130 people.

Putin, meanwhile, is doubtless laughing at Britain’s travails as he amasses thousands of troops on Ukraine’s northern border, striking the fear of God into the hearts of our European neighbours. He might be sustaining heavy losses in his deluded and illegal campaign, but he simply doesn’t care. And should his cosying up to China’s Xi Jinping bear fruit, he’d have access to a further two million Chinese soldiers – which should make us in the West very worried indeed. And this is why Sunak’s scheme is at the very least worthy of debate, rather than dismissal as the last desperate plea of a drowning pensioners’ party.

Other European countries are aware of the very real threat to Western democracy posed by the unholy alliance of Putin and Xi, and have acted accordingly. Finland requires every male citizen between 18 and 60 to do military service (although there is, as there would be here, an option to perform non-military service), after which they become a part of the Finnish Defence Forces Reserve, one of the largest in the world. 

Our allies in Norway – where British troops are currently staging a large-scale military exercise – voted in 2013 to extend conscription to women as well as men. In Sweden, where all 18-year-olds are asked by the government if they would consider conscription into the military, anyone between 16 and 70 could be called up to serve their country as part of Sweden’s Total Defence Service. It’s the same in Denmark, Estonia, Austria and even famously neutral Switzerland, all of which mandate military service for men. Crucially, in those countries that have voted on whether to retain the draft, the answer has generally been a yes – even, yes, in Switzerland. Support for Finnish mandatory military service stands at a record high of 82 per cent.

In Britain? Not so much. A YouGov poll last September asking what sort of national service – if any – Brits would support found that no compulsory scheme received overall support; the most popular option, a one-month, community-only scheme, only got the thumbs up from 45 per cent of people. Support for any kind of national service was lowest among 18- to 24-year-olds. Earlier research carried out by the centre-Right think tank Onward found marginally more support for a non-mandatory, mixed form of civil and military service, but it still only stood at just over 50 per cent of support, and again 18- to 25-year-olds were much more likely to oppose any sort of mandatory scheme. So perhaps it’s not right to say that they haven’t been consulted, more that the PM doesn’t really care what they think.

Well, good for him. I don’t think it’s going to work – not least because the Tories are almost certainly going to be wiped out in July – but the reality is that very few young people in this country have any understanding of a) what the Armed Forces actually do, and b) the potential threat we in Britain and the rest of the West are actually under right now. And the ignorance concerning the first point only exacerbates the ignorance around the second – because we don’t understand what the people protecting us do, we don’t understand what they’re protecting us from, or why it’s important.

My generation – the same as that of the PM – and the generations that came after us have grown complacent about the prospect of war in this country. But having such a long period of peace is the anomaly, not the norm. This proposal is not, as some have described it, an “act of youth hate”. It’s a barely radical suggestion to do as many of our European counterparts and allies – liberal, free democracies all – are doing. Because the alternative really would be a grim prospect.

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