Beneath The Telegraph’s headline “Rise of the ‘work from home’ husband as wives return to the office” is a generic picture of said WFH hubby. He’s a smiling, capable-looking chap standing by his desk in a Ralph Lauren shirt and chinos, and everything about this image inspires confidence in the legions of British men bravely staying at home while their wives commute back into their workplaces. But it’s what’s just out of shot that worries me.

As anyone who has even temporarily lived with ‘WFH man’ knows (and during the pandemic, we all got a taste of this), there will be a large TV somewhere in that “home office” – pronounced “sitting room” – on which a fourth viewing of Top Gun: Maverick has been freeze-framed.

Somewhere, just out of shot, on that home office desk there will be a hunk of partially eaten Gouda beside an open packet of Jacob’s Cream Crackers. There will be novelty slippers on that man’s feet, and you know what? Those chinos may not actually be chinos, but shorts: shorts he has twice retrieved from the bag marked “Oxfam donations” in the hall.

Also out of shot is the leaning tower of washing-up just beside the dishwasher (because actually putting the dishes in there somehow seems wrong), the mussed-up and crumpled bed, sofa, and armchairs on which “WFH man” has wearily rested his bones at various points since breakfast (like cats, they like to nap in eight to 10 different spots throughout the day). There will be a Royal Mail man persistently ringing the bell to no avail (Maverick is on far too loud for “WFH man” to hear the door) and, perhaps most importantly, there will be a wife, on the phone to her divorce lawyer, demanding to know who put an end to the “no-fault divorce” and why.

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