In all relationships it takes two to tango, but when it comes to neighbours the dance is conducted from a slightly awkward distance – and sometimes over a 10ft high and 6ft thick leylandii hedge. 

With the accompaniment of a constantly barking dog.

But that’s the bad script, more often these marriages of two households become one long sunlit barbecue, with everyone happy with the volume of the music, the conduct of the children and the choice of sausages. 

All of which is highly beneficial for wellbeing and longevity, says therapist and behavioural psychologist Jess Baker. “There’s a lot of research into the benefits of community,” she says. “Even just sharing a kind smile and eye contact with a neighbour, to say, ‘I see you, I acknowledge your existence’, is a strong connection.”

Being robbed of such little joys of daily life is one of the things that makes neighbour wars so stressful, but therapist Ali Ross, spokesman for the UK Council for Psychotherapy, believes it goes much deeper than that. 

To the core of our being, in fact.

“It’s about our homes being our refuge,” he says. “The ones being criticised feel the others are encroaching on their life choices. Why are you so upset about my barbecue, my fence? It’s very fundamental – I’ve only got one life and you are stopping me leading it as I want to. 

“The people on the other side of a dispute can feel invisible, not considered, not valued as a human being, they become this dehumanised ‘other’.”

With so much to lose, what can we all do to keep our neighbours sweet? Here’s the expert advice on how to negotiate some of the key scenarios.

Among all the neighbour horror stories, there are some happy tales Credit: Bob Venables

Summer days

Spring is here and we can finally dare to look forward to sunny lunches in our gardens, with a couple of bottles of chilled white wine. Heaven. 

But how might our increasing volume of chat and laughter impact a neighbour spending such a precious free afternoon quietly reading on their sun lounger?

Etiquette consultant Jo Bryant says the measure for this is the same as everything else.

“As with any kind of good etiquette, it’s considering the impact our behaviour has on other people,” she says. “For more informal occasions, you have to consider the day and time of day. It’s one thing to be chatting over a spot of lunch outside on a Saturday, but on a Wednesday evening it’s different.”

Bryant also reminds us to bear in mind the specific impact of contemporary house design.

“Many of us have bifold doors on the back of our houses now,” she points out. “When they’re open we feel we are still inside, but it’s actually fully open to the world. With hard flooring they can be very echoey, so if you’re having a noisy conversation, or a row in that space, everyone is going to hear it.” Eek.


Forecasts of a scorcher weekend traditionally trigger the nation into a mass supermarket sweep of charcoal, hamburgers and coleslaw. Not forgetting the accompanying libations. 

Everyone loves their own barbecues, but other people’s can be a foul-smoke hell.

Bryant has some specific practical advice to avoid this: “Barbecues can be a big cause of friction, so it’s very important to consider where your barbecue is positioned and how the smoke is going into your neighbour’s space, so always check the wind direction before you light it. 

“If you are having one built in, think carefully about where to put it – not too near the boundary, or close to a busy part of their garden, or where they have washing on the line.”

This was something that affected people who used to live near me in the specific micro climate of Hastings Old Town. 

“We liked our new young neighbours very much,” said Francesca*, “until they built a large barbecue pit in their garden, close to the adjoining wall. There is a prevailing westerly wind that blows off the sea and up the valley of the Old Town and our garden was right up-wind from their barbecue as a result. 

“Every time they lit it, our garden was full of choking smoke and, normally very quiet people, they would get loads of loud friends over for these events, who got louder as they drank.

“We didn’t say anything, because the thing was built in, so they couldn’t move it and we didn’t want to be at war, but it did contribute to our decision to move.”

Bryant also makes the point that, with barbecues, it’s an issue of scale.

“There’s a big difference between a few sausages for Saturday night with friends and a huge grill up, with hundreds of people and speakers.”

Which brings us to…


This is one of the most common areas of problematic neighbour relations and when I put a general query to friends on Facebook to see how many had experiences of the next-door dark side, even beyond the volume issue, there were four different stories about being driven to distraction by one track played loudly on endless repeat. 

Three of the songs were Suddenly, Blue Monday (with the bass up full) and – sinisterly – Every Breath You Take, but it was Michelle’s experience that really struck horror into my heart.

“I lived in a townhouse and the neighbour left for the weekend with Chris de Burgh’s Lady In Red blaring on repeat, for two days, all day, all night. Paper thin walls.”

“Music is divisive,” says Bryant (particularly true in that case…). “It travels and if it’s not to your taste can be more intrusive than other noise. 

“So, if you want to play music at an event, tell your neighbours in advance, say when you are going to stop the music by – and stick to your word on it. Then they aren’t going to be stressing, wondering if it’s going to go on until the early hours.”

Noisy dogs and children

These two frequent sources of neighbour friction come with the particular complication of involving our deepest emotional connections. No one puts baby – or Fido – in the corner.

Baker advises preparing yourself before first broaching such topics with neighbours.

“Don’t approach them in the heat of the moment, choose a time when you are controlled and balanced – calm is the key word – prepare in advance what you want to say, stick to the facts and try to remain objective. 

“Ask for permission for them to spend a few minutes listening to you. You could say ‘I’m feeling awkward, it isn’t easy for me to say this…’ Sharing vulnerability isn’t easy to do, but it might make people calm down. 

“Then say something that doesn’t accuse them personally. Don’t say ‘your dog’, say ‘the dog’. This allows them space to think, you aren’t directly accusing them, you’re talking about the situation.”

And she has personal experience of successfully sorting out the noisy dog issue: “I said, ‘I’m not sure if you’re aware, but your dogs bark all day while you are at work.’ 

“It turned out they didn’t know and after that each of them took a dog to work every day, so it was all sorted.”

However, these dog-related endings are not always so happy.

Judy* called the RSPCA about a neighbour who constantly kicked his own dog (as well as playing rave music all night).

“When he found out it was me, he punched me, stole my car, broke into my house, hit my three-year-old and trashed my garden… Then the police told me he was feeling victimised because of my complaints.”

Eventually she was free of him – when he was sentenced to a jail term for knifing someone. An extreme case, but please see the end of this article for the legal advice around more serious incidents.

When it comes to children, Bryant has suggestions for how to avoid creating problems with our own – and how to deal with other people’s. “Children are children and kids do need to go out to play, but it does depend on the time of day. Very early in the morning and later in the evening can be difficult. Be particularly aware of this if your neighbours don’t have children.

“On the other side of that, you have to be very cautious about asking people to keep their children quiet – that could cause upset. So, find a way to qualify what you’re saying, something like ‘we have very early starts…’. 

“If you make it your problem, rather than them behaving badly, it will be better received. In a way, you are apologising for a problem they’re causing, so it’s all very British.”

Becoming best friends

There is no doubt that living in a connected community brings enormous richness to our lives.

As Ross says, “If you feel you are being looked after by your community and you are looking after them, you are going to feel more validated, valued, loveable. These are aspects of a well-lived life.”

And among all the neighbour horror stories I was told, there were also happy tales. Josa received an unexpected reward for being spontaneously kind to an elderly neighbour. 

“A woman left me money in her will, because I had occasionally helped her mum. I was at home with my first baby and I would pick up shopping for her. About 10 years later I got a solicitor’s letter.”

But there can be situations where a neighbourly friendship can become suffocating – if you remember the excellent children’s show Hector’s House, Kiki the frog constantly popping up over the garden wall on her ladder springs to mind.

Bryant advises taking precautions against this from the moment you move in.

“If you feel you will want to keep some boundaries, be careful at the outset because it will be harder to rein it back afterwards. If you’re not sure, take it a little more gently, or you could find yourself hiding.”

Baker agrees. “It’s like the 15-hour plane flight you’re about to embark on, how soon do you speak to the person sitting next to you? There’s a fine line between sociability and privacy, and remember some people won’t read social cues as you do.”


This has come up in surveys as the greatest cause of arguments between neighbours in cities – yet it’s the least well supported by law.

Studies have found that parking is the greatest cause of disagreement between city neighbours Credit: Bob Venables

There are two main types of parking wars. First, there are the coneheads who believe they have an inviolable right to park on the road right outside their own house and busily mark their territory accordingly, or in extreme cases make it impossible for cars parked there to move. 

They have no such right. 

Second are the blockers who thoughtlessly – or deliberately – block neighbours’ access to their private parking spaces, or even make it just a bit of a squeeze to get into. 

Two accountants in west London spent over £100,000 in legal fees scrapping over the three spaces outside their neighbouring houses. Which is probably because the law is fuzzy and such disputes rely on “common decency”. 

If your neighbours are showing scant evidence of this, Baker recommends presenting your case not as a criticism, but an explanation.

“It’s unlikely that any conversation you have will change their behaviour, but it’s possible it will influence their behaviour,” she says. “You can’t tell other people how to behave, but you have a right to tell that person how their behaviour is affecting you.”

Hedges and boundaries

Isobel* is a legally-trained adviser at Citizens Advice, where neighbour disputes are a frequent spur for enquiries.

“There were a lot of hedge and boundary issues between house owners,” she says, “although it improved after the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003, where Part 8 specifies that semi-evergreen dividing hedges and fences can’t be over 2m [6ft 6in] high. 

“But there are still the issues of overhanging vegetation dropping sap onto decking and people surreptitiously moving boundaries when they put in new fencing.”

The law is pretty simple on the hedges and the overhang. 

If your neighbour has a hedge or fence taller than 2m, which excludes light and/or views, you can ask your council to intervene, for a charge (with discounts for low incomes). If the neighbour doesn’t comply with a remedial notice, they can be fined up to £1,000.

With overhanging greenery, you can cut off anything that intrudes into your space, but you have to give it back to the owner. 

So, you can’t keep apples that dangle over your garden – neither would it be politic just to dump the prunings on their side of the fence without warning, as once happened to me, landing on my toddler’s sandpit.

Creeping boundaries are more tricky, especially with older properties, so if looking at the deeds of both houses on the Land Registry doesn’t solve it, you may need the professional help of a surveyor.


The general rule for all noise, whether it’s music, power tools, or building work, is quiet between 11pm and 7am. 

If you can prove this is persistently ignored, you can submit a noise complaint to your local authority. They can be fined up to £5,000, rolling over at £500 a day, if it continues.

Where to find advice

The Citizens Advice website has advice about all areas of neighbour disputes. Also look at your local police force’s website and 

If you are being physically threatened, call the police on 999. If you are subjected to abuse based on your religion, ethnicity or sexuality call the police on 101.

*Names have been changed

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