Thanks to important work carried out in recent years by various Left-wing academics and commentators, we all know that William Shakespeare was a racist, a misogynist, an ableist, a classist, and in all probability a Tory-voting Brexiteer. It seems, however, that his shameful failure to reflect the progressive mores of the 21st century does not end there.

Because we now learn that this hateful Elizabethan bigot was fatphobic, as well.

We owe this intelligence to no less a source than the Royal Shakespeare Company. In a “content advisory” note on its website, it warns the public that The Merry Wives of Windsor (at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre till September 7) contains “bullying in the form of body-shaming”.

The victim of this body-shaming is Falstaff, who is ridiculed for his weight by two women he is hoping to woo. Mistress Page cruelly dismisses him as “the fat knight” and “this old fat fellow”, while Mistress Ford scornfully likens him to a “whale”.

In response to this shocking display of prejudice, many people will doubtless argue that it’s irresponsible to stage the play at all. Better to cancel the entire production. And, for that matter, to remove the text from all university reading lists, to prevent students from suffering the lifelong trauma that exposure to it is certain to incur.

Personally, however, I think the producers should simply rewrite the offending passages of dialogue, to promote a healthier, more modern view of body image. First, Mistress Page should declare that she finds Falstaff irresistibly attractive, no matter how fat he is. In reply, Mistress Ford should accuse Mistress Page of fatphobia, because actually Falstaff is a perfectly normal size, and only someone with unrealistic body standards would call him fat. In turn, Mistress Page should accuse Mistress Ford of fatphobia, because, by refusing to acknowledge that Falstaff is fat, she is guilty of fat erasure.

Alternatively, the producers should stage Julius Caesar instead. In this play, the title character mutters, “Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look… such men are dangerous”, and explains that he prefers to “have men about me that are fat”.

An admirable example of positive discrimination.

How to prove the BBC isn’t biased

Five years ago, the BBC alerted the public to a deeply disturbing phenomenon. If your name makes you sound as if you’re from an ethnic minority, it reported, many British employers are less likely to offer you a job interview.

The basis for this story was an ingenious experiment by researchers based at Oxford University. They sent out more than 3,000 fake applications to a wide variety of jobs advertised on a popular recruitment website. The applications were identical, except in one small respect. Some of the fake applicants had traditional British names, while others had names that made them sound as if they were from ethnic minority backgrounds.

The findings were clear. Employers were more likely to call applicants from the former group than applicants from the latter group.

In response, the BBC quoted academics, anti-racism campaigners and non-white job applicants, all expressing their horror and disgust. The deputy director of a racial equality think tank said that the findings represented “conclusive evidence that overt racial discrimination still exists... This shows that no matter your degree or education, you are still perceived and treated by the colour of your skin, religion and ethnicity, and not by what you can do.”

Thankfully, there is no such discrimination against ethnic minority applicants at the BBC itself. Proof of this appeared in The Telegraph at the weekend. Examining recent figures, our reporter found that non-white applicants to the BBC’s flagship journalism training scheme “were almost two and a half times more likely to get in than their white counterparts”.

Hang on just a moment, though. If white applicants were less likely to be accepted, does that mean they were victims of discrimination? Were they being perceived and treated by the colour of their skin, religion and ethnicity, and not by what they can do?

Certainly not, said the BBC. “We always offer places based on merit,” a spokesman told The Telegraph. “We’re committed to our recruitment processes being fair to everyone.”

This is reassuring to hear. Sadly, however, people can be very cynical nowadays. If only there were some way to prove that white applicants were not disadvantaged.

Luckily, I’ve thought of one. Researchers at Oxford should secretly send thousands of fake applications to the BBC’s journalism training scheme, all identical except for the names. Then the BBC can report on the findings, whatever they turn out to be.

Way of the World is a twice-weekly satirical look at the headlines aiming to mock the absurdities of the modern world. It is published at 7am every Tuesday and Saturday

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