Losing one’s hair is common, with around six million men and 8.5 million women in the UK currently affected, which is not only psychologically debilitating but can have a major effect on our self-esteem. It’s not surprising then that a huge market in hair loss supplements has sprung up to help remedy the problem. 

Supplements can be effective, but the causes of hair loss are complex, and they will only work if a nutritional imbalance is behind our thinning hair. 

“There are several causes of hair loss and it is vital to know which ones affect the specific hair loss before embarking on a hair treatment,” says Danai Riala, the lead clinical trichologist at Trichology Camden and Enfield. “I look into the lifestyle, the genetic predisposition of the patient and refer my clients for a blood test before I start any treatments. 

“Some supplements may conflict with certain medications or have side effects so it’s essential to seek expert advice before trying them.” 

What can cause hair loss?

Hormones, diet, stress, certain autoimmune conditions and medications can all play a part in causing us to lose our locks. 

“Alopecia areata for example is highly related to stress and the main difference between hair loss in men and women is the role of hormones. For example, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is a hormone that is derived from testosterone, and it is a key factor in male pattern baldness. However, hormonal imbalances in women, such as those associated with pregnancy, menopause, or conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid dysfunctions, are primary contributors to hair loss in women,” says Riala. 

Yet nutritional deficiencies are also often a key part of the hair loss story. 

“If your diet lacks essential nutrients, vitamins or minerals, then this has a huge knock-on effect on hormones and can also result in hair thinning and excess shedding,” says Jane Mayhead, a trichologist from The Private Clinic.

How do supplements for hair loss typically work? 

Hair supplements are made from a blend of minerals and vitamins designed to nourish the scalp and alleviate inflammation. Key ingredients typically include biotin, vitamin B, vitamins A, B, D and E and botanical extracts such as zinc and collagen among others. 

“Supplements work by reducing daily hair fall, maximising the time hair follicles spend in their growth phase, which will potentially help to grow hair to a longer length,” says Zoe Passam, a senior consultant trichologist at the Philip Kingsley clinic. “However it is important to note that supplements for hair loss can take at least 12 weeks to show their effects.” 

Read on to learn more about what common hair supplements contain, and how effective they are. 


Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is known for boosting hair health. It also helps produce keratin, a protein essential for hair. 

“If someone is deficient in biotin, taking a supplement may be helpful to optimise hair growth. However, biotin deficiency is rare! A blood test can ascertain whether there is a deficiency,” says Passam.

Biotin is safe, but high doses can bring on nausea, skin rashes and digestive issues. 


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“This is the most important nutrient for hair,” explains Passam. “Low levels of the iron storage protein (ferritin) is the most common cause of increased hair shedding, especially in women. Low ferritin is common in menstruating women, vegetarians/vegans, and people who don’t eat red meat. 

“It is important to have a blood test to check ferritin levels before taking iron supplements, as taking too much iron can be dangerous. Taking vitamin C and the amino acid lysine helps to maximise iron absorption.” 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has shown benefits for hair health and growth, yet high levels can have the opposite effect and bring on hair loss, so a blood test is essential. 

“Accutane, commonly prescribed for acne, can cause hair loss in some individuals, as it is chemically similar to vitamin A,” adds Passam. 

Vitamin B5

This is a crucial nutrient for healthy hair which also promotes growth. 

“While there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss, ensuring a balanced diet rich in this essential vitamin can greatly benefit overall hair health,” Riala notes.

“Excessive intake of vitamin B5 supplements can, however, lead to adverse effects such as diarrhoea, nausea, and stomach cramps, so it is strongly advised to seek guidance from a healthcare provider before taking vitamin B5 supplements.” 

Vitamin B6

This is also known as pyridoxine and plays an essential role in healthy hair. 

“Insufficient levels of vitamin B6 can lead to thinning hair or increased hair loss. Healthcare providers can conduct blood tests to assess vitamin B6 deficiency,” says Riala. 

Vitamin B12

This plays a vital role in boosting hair cell growth. Again, a blood test will reveal if an individual is deficient. 

Vitamin D

Credit: Alamy

Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with hair loss and is common, particularly in cooler countries like the UK. The NHS recommends that adults should take a supplement during autumn and winter. 

Vitamin E

Some research indicates that vitamin E may be beneficial for hair due to its antioxidant properties, but more conclusive studies are needed. 


“Selenium is a potent antioxidant, and plays a role in regulating the thyroid hormone, thereby promoting healthy hair growth. However both low and high levels can cause hair loss so it’s important to stick to the daily dosage, which is not to exceed 55 micrograms per day,” says Riala. 

Brazil nuts are also a rich source, but limit them to four daily. 


“Deficiency is uncommon but can be associated with hair loss and weak and brittle hair. Zinc can interfere with iron absorption, so supplements containing these should be taken at separate times of the day,” advises Passam. 


A small amount of evidence links fish oils to boosting hair growth, but more research is needed to prove the link.


Collagen is the fashionable supplement of the moment partly because it is a protein found in hair. However, research is limited and evidence as to whether it helps hair loss is currently inconclusive. 

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) 

These are the building blocks of protein and hair is mostly made up of a protein called keratin. “Supplementing may be beneficial, but only if insufficient protein is being consumed in the diet,” explains Passam. 

What are the best alternatives to hair-loss supplements?

  • Consuming a well-balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals should help address any nutritional deficiencies. .
  • Take care of your hair by avoiding harsh chemicals, and be gentle when brushing and styling to prevent breakage and further hair loss.
  • Managing stress is very important as it is a common factor in hair loss. Try stress-reducing exercises such as yoga and meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
  • Heat styling tools like hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can damage the hair follicles and contribute to hair loss. Using heat protection products and opting for air-drying or low-heat styling methods can help protect your hair.

What do experts recommend for hair loss? 

First, determine what is behind your hair loss by seeing your doctor or a specialist trichologist. It’s vital to obtain the correct diagnosis before embarking on any treatments. 

“Supplements will be ineffective in treating male and female pattern hair loss, for which prescription treatments are often needed. Also it’s important to note that someone can have more than one type of hair loss at a time, such as female pattern hair loss and telogen effluvium [rapid hair loss due to stress or a change to one’s body] due to low ferritin (iron),” Passam advises. 

 Depending on the cause and severity the experts recommend: 

  • Topical prescription combination therapies such as minoxidil, finasteride and topical anti-androgen therapy are effective and cost-effective treatments for hair thinning. They can be used together and separately and taken as pills and gels.
  • Finasteride is only licensed for men and there have been concerns about side-effects including erectile dysfunction and depression. In April 2024, the medicines regulatory body (MHRA) announced that it would issue a patient alert card to increase awareness amongst men about potential side effects of the treatment. “Discuss these with your specialist as finasteride is also available off label as a topical treatment with fewer side effects. Speak to your trichologist to make an informed decision as each case is different and the majority of men don’t experience any problems,” says Passam.
  • Low-level laser therapy, known colloquially as cold laser therapy, harnesses a specific light wavelength range helping to stimulate hair regrowth. It is usually used in addition to other treatments as it won’t be sufficient on its own.
  • Stem cell therapy is a new and minimally invasive treatment as it involves injections and/or topical applications rather than surgical procedures. It helps promote hair growth naturally, yet the treatment is still in its early stages and not yet established.
  • In more severe cases of hair loss, a hair transplant, while expensive, can be a highly effective way of addressing the physical and psychological impact of hair loss.
  • A new drug called a JAK-inhibitor oral medication is used in severe cases of the patchy hair loss condition alopecia areata, which in rare cases can lead to total scalp and body hair loss. These drugs have already been life-changing for many patients, but as with all medications, side effects can occur including an increased risk of respiratory infections and high cholesterol.

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