In a mere matter of days, JK Rowling has rendered Humza Yousaf’s new laws against “hate crime” utterly toothless. It’s worth remembering, though, that it isn’t just laws that can silence people. Peer pressure can, too. And no one understood this better than George Orwell.

“At any given moment,” wrote Orwell in 1945, “there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was ‘not done’ to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness.”

In the Britain of 1945, the “prevailing orthodoxy” demanded, in Orwell’s words, “an uncritical admiration of Soviet Russia”. Now, in the Britain of 2024, it demands uncritical support for gender ideology. Among “right-thinking people” today, it is simply “not done” to dispute the notion that some women have prostates, or to ask why a biological male should be allowed to participate in the women’s Olympic weightlifting. Many who have dared challenge this latest “prevailing orthodoxy” have found themselves “silenced with surprising effectiveness” – primarily through losing work. For fear of befalling the same fate – or at least, of losing their social standing among “right-thinking people” – countless others have kept their mouths shut. Thus, in effect, silencing themselves.

JK Rowling, however, is simply too big, too rich, too popular to silence. And so, by conclusively demonstrating this week that “misgendering” is not a “hate crime”, she has not only defanged the laws that threatened to silence people in Scotland. She has also eased the peer pressure that has long silenced people elsewhere.

Orwell helped overturn the prevailing orthodoxy of his time by writing Animal Farm. JK Rowling may overturn the prevailing orthodoxy of ours just by writing a few tweets.

Is this the real reason for ‘diverse’ period dramas?

Once again the BBC is under fire for casting non-white actors to play white historical figures. In Doctor Who last year, a non-white actor was cast to play Sir Isaac Newton. And now, in the new series of Wolf Hall (set in the 1530s), non-white actors will play various figures in the court of Henry VIII. For example, the mother of Jane Seymour will be played by an actress of Bahamian descent, while Thomas Wyatt, the Tudor poet, will be played by an actor who is half-Egyptian.

Presumably the BBC is just trying, as always, to be inclusive, even at the expense of historical accuracy. But its efforts may have a small side-effect – wholly unintended, I’m sure.

Thanks to this trend for diverse casting in period dramas, millions of viewers may well form the impression that, throughout history, this country has always been every bit as diverse as it is today. And therefore, they will conclude, it makes no sense for them to keep worrying about mass immigration and the speed of cultural change – because, as they now realise from watching period dramas, there’s actually been no cultural change at all, ever, at any point in British history.

As a result, they need no longer vote for the Conservatives, or Reform UK, or any other horrid political party which tries to tell them that immigration should be reduced. After all, the Tudors were as diverse as we are. The Stuarts were as diverse as we are. And no doubt the Picts, the Iceni and the druids of Stonehenge were as diverse as we are, too. Perhaps a wonderful period drama will be commissioned to show us.


With congregations continuing to dwindle, the Church is under greater pressure than ever to “modernise”. To this end, a vicar in Wales has devised an ingenious new plan. Every Monday at 4.45pm, he’s offering “micro-services” that last no longer than 15 minutes – in order to attract people who are “too busy” to sit through a whole one.

As all worshippers will surely agree, this is just the kind of bold, ambitious, forward-looking initiative that Christianity is crying out for. Finally someone in the Church has recognised that, with the endless pressures of modern life, people simply don’t have as much time to give thanks to the Lord as they used to. Think of all the extra demands they face: after-work emails to reply to, supermarket deliveries to arrange, Instagram to check, the new adaptation of One Day to binge-watch, etc. In light of this constant blizzard of activity, it hardly seems realistic of the Almighty to expect the modern, thrusting young Brit to sit in church for hours on end every Sunday. Much more convenient to squeeze in a quick blast of God on a weekday evening, between pilates and Pointless.

No doubt Church leaders are already brainstorming other ways to make the quest for eternal salvation more efficient. For Catholics, for example, confession could be replaced by a simple online form, so that people too busy to confess in person could tick a box indicating which sin(s) they’ve committed, and be granted absolution via an automated email.

According to Wired, the technology magazine, the optimum duration of a TikTok video is between 21 and 34 seconds. If vicars wish to attract the younger generation, I suggest keeping their sermons to similar length.

Way of the World is a twice-weekly satirical look at the headlines aiming to mock the absurdities of the modern world. It is published at 7am every Tuesday and Saturday

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