I thought I had the impending “VAT raid on private schools” problem nailed. And what a godsend because the debates at home about what savings and sacrifices we would have to make to be able to afford the 20 per cent hike in fees were not going well. “Over my dead body am I giving up my Peloton subscription!”/”I shall certainly not be drinking Schweppes tonic with my Fishers gin”/”Val Thorens? It’s Verbier or nowhere!”

It was a solution that not only would see us dodging the VAT hike but avoiding the wretched private school fees altogether.

And it’s one word: homeschooling. Because if private school fees are unaffordable and the state schools are full, then let the school come home.

We would have a super-nanny – a nanny-cum-teacher – and a disused stable full of wood could be cleared and turned into a rudimentary school room – desks and benches we’d find cheap as chips at a local auction house (or straight from one of the private schools that will be going bust) and to jolly things along, we’d recruit a couple of other children to join our three and five-year-old.

There would be no formal school times or terms, so we would be able to holiday when we liked and at cheaper times of the year. And the cost would be – a maximum of £8,000 –  peanuts compared to the current school fees.

It would also be fun for the children. The school week need not be more than two days each week, the rest could be deigned as “forest school” or “farm school” or “nature school” and the children would learn Latin which, as with myself and my school friends, would completely set them up for life.

There would be no early morning rushes and panics, no mislaid school bags or jackets or shoes or caps, and no more complicated who-is-collecting-which-child-from-which-school-at-what-time-after-whose-meeting conversations.

There would be no awkward guilty moments: “OMG, we forgot Stay-and-Play yesterday/the Colour Run/the mums’ charity coffee pageant”, no parent portals (“No, I don’t know what the password is either”) and no parent WhatsApp groups.

The children would be taught the essentials: to read and write and there would be no wretched chemistry lessons, no horrid games in the winter, and no smartphones and no social media. And there would be good, healthy home-cooking.

The kids would be happy and we would be revelling in our new-found wealth. We could go on holiday, get a second car, decorate the utility room, drink more white Burgundy, pay the accountant and, without all those school runs, save the planet.

Except it occurred to me that when one homeschools children, the ankle-biters are always at home. Which means you neither get that blissful moment when the house is free of kids nor that exquisite time when your smallest comes home from school and greets you like you’re the most important person in the world.

They might not pick up any horrid bugs, but then neither would they pick up any horrid bugs which would mean their untested immune systems would render them weaklings for the rest of their lives.

They’ll also get no school days, which means that, however dreadful, and the more dreadful the better, they will lack that valuable, mental and physical strength-building hinterland. Not to mention the lack of friends, those early romantic encounters, embarrassing school discos and the fun you have in the bus on the way back from some ghastly school that thrashed you at rugger and served a disgusting tea.

And no memories also of eccentric teachers, or wonderful teachers – the ones you sit with on those tiny chairs and cry in front of when they tell you your nipper drew a spider last week.

Be wary also of the reputation your home-schooling will attract. Those who home-school are considered oddballs, off-gridders who aren’t interacting with society, whose kids look like shaggy-haired urchins. There are currently between 125,000 and 180,000 children being home-schooled in the UK and the fact that this number is so vague rather gives me the creeps, as if we don’t know what’s going on in various corners of our country.

Then there’s the general idea that schooling is a quite extraordinary and complex art, demanding immense patience, interest, respect, care and devotion (and that’s just teachers dealing with parents).

If I was let anywhere near a child’s education, closer than the door of a classroom, my impatience and complete lack of experience would probably ruin the poor mite for life. So it’s back to the school idea, folks. And the Nespresso machine and its capsules will have to go.

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