Every driver knows that potholes are bad. Kwik Fit estimates repairing pothole damage cost UK drivers £1.48 billion last year. And the RAC says pothole-related callouts for the first quarter of 2024 are up by 53 per cent compared with the last three months of 2023.

But the pothole problem could be worse than we think because every local authority reports potholes differently. And that means a postcode lottery in England and Wales when drivers seek compensation for pothole damage.

Is the problem worse than we think?

Currently, the Asphalt Industry Alliance’s “Alarm” (annual local authority road maintenance) survey is the most precise pointer to the scale of the pothole problem. It relies on reports from local authorities and has a response rate in England and Wales of about 75 per cent. But what if the figures supplied aren’t accurate? Even Ian Lancaster, director of the AIA, concedes: “There’s always the possibility it could be worse than we say.” 

Roads expert Dave Gaster has been researching pothole reporting for five years. He showed The Telegraph one of the many local authority roads inspection sheets he’s obtained over the past year using Freedom of Information access. 

The report for South Northamptonshire shows 35 roads in the area. It reports only eight defects; most of the routes have none, including six roads in and around Brackley. But Gaster reveals: “On those roads, I conducted a volunteer-based inspection and found 121 potholes, of which 25 were reported [to the authority] and repaired.” 

Why isn’t this just a local blip?

Local authorities aren’t incentivised to find out about their potholes. If a council doesn’t register defects on its roads, it can claim it didn’t know about them and doesn’t need to compensate drivers for damage its roads cause.

Simon Williams, the RAC’s head of policy, explains: “A council that isn’t very good at inspecting its roads and doesn’t get many pothole reports from drivers won’t be liable to pay as much in compensation as one that is good at inspections and gets lots of reports from the public.”

Don’t local authorities have to abide by rules?

Section 58 of the Highways Act 1980 gave councils across the country the same parameters for inspecting their roads. Then in 2016 the Well-managed Highway Infrastructure code of practice came into force. “The local authorities have a responsibility to maintain their roads to a standard. But they set their own standard and therein lies the issue,” Lancaster says.

Gaster explains: “Councils can now decide individually on the depths, widths and lengths of defects before they have to act.”

In addition, there’s no hard and fast rule on how local authorities inspect their roads. Gaster says: “When some authorities survey their streets, inspectors stop at every pothole, measure them, geo-locate them and determine the risk.”

Move to a less thorough neighbouring authority and inspectors may simply drive along the road without stopping, counting potholes as they go. They’ll then jot down their findings at the end. It’s all on a sheet of paper, sometimes not even entered into a database.

It’s easy to see what the problem is with the latter approach. Gaster explains: “If I’d driven along a road and tried to remember all the defects when I got to the end, I’d probably get eight but not all of them. Its probable driven inspections only detect 70 per cent of defects at best.

“They might record that a road has three defects and the contractor may fill three potholes, but they might not be any of the ones the inspector intended to be filled.” This isn’t just potentially dangerous, it’s also hugely inefficient.

What does this mean in terms of compensation?

Compensation figures from the Asphalt Industry Alliance’s “Alarm” survey for England’s nine regions plus Wales, and Department for Transport road-length statistics, show authorities in the North East are by far the most generous. 

They pay out an average £37 per mile of road to reimburse damage caused to cars. At the other end of the scale, councils in the East Midlands pay only 87p per mile. Excluding these examples as outliers, the average compensation is £3.86 per mile of road.

Some of the most successful authorities at defending pothole compensation claims are, perhaps unsurprisingly, in the East Midlands. According to a Freedom of Information request submitted by Halfords, in 2022-23 West Northamptonshire received 849 compensation claims for potholes. Of these, only one – for a relatively measly £148 – was successful.

Meanwhile, Wiltshire County Council paid 42 per cent of the claims it received. “Some local authorities are being fair and keeping to the spirit of the law,” says Gaster. “Others won’t pay out, not because their roads are better but because their system of inspections is so vague.”

Is Stan the answer?

Safer Travel Around Neighbourhoods (Stan) is a smartphone app that’s a quick way to report potholes. Place your phone in a legally positioned windscreen-mounted holder, turn on Stan and the app’s tech does the rest, recording road defects and street furniture throughout the journey.

A smartphone app called Stan allows users to quickly report potholes

Its maker Metricell estimates an hour’s drive would generate 15,000 images. At the end of the journey, your images are downloaded to Stan’s database and you can see them on its map. That database currently covers about seven per cent of the UK’s roads. But Metricell wants local authorities to embrace the technology. 

The company’s Mike Mockford tells us: “Imagine if bin lorries used the app to survey roads. They’d generate thousands of images and the council could see which ones really needed attention. It would save them time inspecting the roads and make repairing defects more efficient.”

But the RAC’s Williams warns: “It’s currently not in councils’ interests as they couldn’t claim they didn’t know about potholes that needed fixing. Ultimately, we’d like to get to a point where councils had no choice but to use Stan and fix the defects it highlights.”

“There does need to be a much more joined-up approach,” the AIA’s Lancaster says. “Prevention is always better than cure. Early intervention will always save money in the long term.”

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