It’s not the cognitive decline of Joe Biden I am concerned about, it’s that of his supporters. During last week’s presidential debate, we saw what we saw and, actually, anyone who has paid attention over the past couple of years has seen his marked deterioration. Despite this, his aides, so-called loved ones and the party faithful have denied any sort of cognitive decline. 

Everything has been stage-managed around the fact that he is more compos mentis between 10am and 4pm. After that, he is tired and prone to memory lapses. Every detail – shortening his walk to Air Force One in his orthopaedic shoes, the ever-present sunglasses, making sure all travel has been minimised – has been worked out to make him seem OK.

He is not OK. The most cringeworthy moments of that debate were not when he was gibbering, but when the camera was on his vacant, slack-jawed face when Trump was speaking.

The vital difference between these two past-their-sell-by-date dudes is that priced into Trump’s appeal is his lack of any relationship to reality, whereas Biden talks about “truth”. All this dissolved. Trump is a proven liar, criminal and sexual offender but Biden? Does he genuinely believe he will be up to this at 85? Do the Democrats think this is the best they can do? Apparently so. 

This is delusional and it is negligent. If Trump wins, then Nato is under threat. Putin must be rubbing his sweaty little palms together. 

“Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?” The line John Lydon sneered at the end of the last Sex Pistols gig in 1978 came to mind. The Democrats have cheated themselves and the electorate by fooling themselves that this 81-year-old was competent. This is stupefyingly dangerous.

Why are the American people faced with such a disastrous choice? It seems to me that once you start denying one part of reality, then the rest falls easily. That is the zeitgeist. If we deny that biological sex is real, that Covid killed people, that climate change is happening then why not deny the fact that everyone ages and dies? How else to explain these vastly intelligent aides who think they can front out what has now been made horribly public? 

Jill Biden, who has just been featured as the cover star of the latest Vogue (oops Anna!), is allegedly the only one able to persuade Biden to step down. Really? As the clan gathered, they all apparently encouraged him to carry on.

The rest of the world is gobsmacked because we have all faced situations where we have had to tell stubborn relatives that they can no longer drive or take care of themselves properly. We do this out of care. Who in their right mind would want to see elderly loved ones stumbling and embarrassing themselves in public?

The Democrat establishment is not in its right mind. It is creaky and lacking in agility as none of this information is new. Obama and Clinton coming out to bat for him does little. Remember voters rejected Hillary Clinton because she was the establishment and Trump could present as a disrupter. That same establishment is closing ranks. This is a disaster.

On a human level, it is impossible to grasp why Biden needs to go on. He has been president and he can have a nice life. I feel the same way about Jeremy Corbyn; probably soon to lose his last chance of being an MP when he could just be making jam today and jam tomorrow. Why does Diane Abbott, 70, having suffered a bout of ill health, want to carry on? What is it about political life that makes a seemly retirement impossible? Margaret Thatcher was always said to be lost after she was booted out in 1992.

What appears to be happening to Biden, however – that he is in a bubble of his family and a few close aides – is a fundamental political problem. We may have a less inflexible system but so many leaders end up paranoid and advised only by a tiny inner circle. This was as true of Boris Johnson as it was of Gordon Brown and certainly of the bonkers Liz Truss fiasco. The strange isolated position of power is surreal.

Equally surreal is that those who are in full possession of their faculties will let this go on. In Biden’s case, they talk about an existential battle over democracy but they are in deep denial. Be careful what you wish for.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a heroine to many, refused to retire during the Obama administration. When she died, Trump was then able to replace her on the Supreme Court with a judge who would vote down Roe v Wade, something she had campaigned for all her life.

This “hanging on” proves nothing nor does it get results. We vote with our heads as well as our hearts. Many Americans will have already made up their minds. Many will have seen only one minute of the debate and that would have been enough. 

We vote for the future, which is why this American gerontocracy is so appalling. In pretending that Biden is up the job, the Democrats are destroying trust. This is dishonest. Moral degradation no longer belongs only to Trump’s camp. We vote out of self-interest but also for something better. Anything else does damage to democracy.

So while I don’t claim to be fresh-faced myself, I will see you on the other side of our election and at least we in the UK will all know where we are then. 


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