At-home health-testing is everywhere. Where once, pregnancy tests were just about the only over-the-counter tests we were all familiar with, the pandemic years have opened the door to many more. There’s now a growing market for an array of do-it-yourself testing kits – DNA genetic testing for health, tests for high cholesterol, vitamin deficiencies – and now perimenopause tests, which offer insight as to where women are on their journey towards menopause. 

It’s clearly something many women wish to know. The stream of menopause-themed books and documentaries, and celebrity menopause ambassadors, have transformed attitudes, and more women are talking about their symptoms and seeking treatments. Medical prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have soared with 11 million items prescribed in 2022/23, a 47 per cent increase on the previous year.

In theory, at-home perimenopause tests are part of this personal empowerment, helping women learn more about their bodies and hormonal changes. Yet both the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and The British Menopause Society have recommended against using them. So how do they work? And what can – and can’t – they tell us?

Jump to:

  • Understanding perimenopause
  • How do perimenopause tests work?
  • When to consider getting tested
  • Diagnosing perimenopause
  • What to use for diagnosing perimenopause
  • At-home test options
  • Benefits of early detection

Understanding perimenopause 

“The menopause is just one day in your life – the day that you’ve not had a period for 12 months. The average age is 51,” explains Dr Elise Dallas, a specialist in menopause care at the London General Practice. “The perimenopause is a lot more vague and refers to the years leading up to that, where your oestrogen levels will be dropping, not in a smooth controlled manner, but chaotically and unpredictably.” 

A perimenopausal woman’s periods might be irregular and erratic. They may be very heavy and close together, and then very light and spaced further and further apart. The process lasts on average seven to 10 years, it is different for everyone and might also be the time when a woman starts to experience new symptoms which in the early stage are often mood related – depression, brain fog, anxiety, rage, insomnia – despite the fact that she is still having periods. 

“When you’re in the perimenopause, you have no real way of knowing how long it will last. You don’t know if you’re going to have another period in three months, eight months or never,” says Dallas. It’s not surprising then that there’s a market for a simple test to shed light on this transitional stage. 

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How do perimenopause tests work?

Most perimenopause tests work through finger prick tests which are then returned to company labs for analysis. Typically, they look at levels of up to four hormones – luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), oestrogen and progesterone. 

There are also urine tests (rather like standard pregnancy tests) which focus on FSH in order to give instant results at home. “FSH encourages the ovaries to enlarge and produce oestrogen,” says Dallas. “As we near menopause, our ovaries decline, they don’t produce as much oestrogen therefore our FSH climbs higher and higher, trying to signal to our ovaries to get working.” A test result that shows high levels of FSH and low levels of oestrogen could indicate perimenopause or menopause. 

The main weakness to this method of testing is that perimenopause is, by definition, marked by hormonal chaos and flux so any test result would be a snapshot rather than a full picture. 

The average age for menopause is 51 Credit: MICROGEN IMAGES/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Science Photo Library RF

“In perimenopause, you won’t know where you are in the cycle and each cycle might be very different,” says Dallas. “You might take the test on a day your ovaries are working well when the following day or week or month, they wouldn’t be.” 

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When to consider getting tested

If you’re over 45, the answer is usually never. “The NICE guidelines advise against blood testing to diagnose perimenopause for a women over 45,” says Dr Sally Louden, GP and menopause specialist at Everything Menopause. There’s a straightforward reason. By that age, a woman is almost certainly in the perimenopause, and if she is seeking treatment for menopausal symptoms then she has already met the criteria. A blood test from a single point in time can add little of value.

“There is a small cohort of women where testing is useful,” says Louden. “In those cases, we’d do the tests twice, six weeks apart.” In a clinical setting, blood tests for certain hormone levels – particularly FSH – may be given to women whose periods have stopped under the age of 45, and, most especially, under the age of 40. Menopause before 40 is “premature menopause” and affects just one per cent of women. 

“If you’re not having periods under the age of 40, it’s important to know why,” says Louden. “Other reasons we might test would be complex cases, such as a woman who is experiencing menopausal symptoms, but not getting periods anyway because she has a progesterone coil. 

We might do some tests to work out what her hormones are doing. Tests are also useful if a woman has been prescribed HRT but her symptoms aren’t getting any better.” 

In all these situations though, adds Louden, tests would be best done in a clinic by a medical professional who can interpret them properly – and wouldn’t be the same tests bought over-the-counter – for example, a menopause clinic is unlikely to look for LH or progesterone. 

“FSH is the key hormone,” says Louden, “but I might also be looking for things that aren’t in shop bought tests, in case something else is causing the symptoms.” Many symptoms commonly associated with menopause – for example tiredness, palpitations, memory problems – could have different causes such as anaemia, B12 deficiency or a thyroid disorder. 

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Diagnosing perimenopause

The perimenopause is a clinical diagnosis for most women and involves no tests, but a consultation and discussion around symptoms.  For women under 45, blood tests for FSH levels might be taken twice, six weeks apart. If FSH levels are over 30, a woman is likely to be in either perimenopause or menopause.  

“In the majority of cases though, perimenopause is diagnosed by age and symptoms,” says Louden. This includes the menstrual cycle – how regular, light or heavy it is – but also a great deal more. 

“Often, the most common symptoms are psychological. It’s not feeling very sharp, stepping back from life, not wanting to drive at night, suddenly feeling anxious at work about giving presentations or public speaking.” 

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What to use for diagnosing perimenopause 

For women thinking about an at-home perimenopause test, Louden recommends instead the Greene Climacteric Scale, which can be found free online. This is a verified measurement tool used by practitioners worldwide. “It covers 21 symptoms, both psychological and physical – including hot flushes, anxiety, sleep, memory, libido – and gives an objective measure of something that feels very subjective.”

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At-home test options 

There are none recommended by experts, as the information given by these tests can be unreliable, and menopause doctors and The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists are very sceptical about them.

That hasn’t stopped a mushrooming in the market of the tests. The latest addition, not yet available in the UK, is from Proov, the popular fertility tracking app in the US which has now added perimenopause testing. It’s a urine test that detects FSH, oestrogen and progesterone, screened through the app, with results to your phone in 10 minutes – delivered with “personalised supplement suggestions”. Tests are meant to be performed three or four times across a month.

In the UK, there are other options, prices range from £5.99 tests which measure FSH levels in urine to more expensive pin prick blood tests which look at FSH, LH, progesterone and oestrogen. 

There’s also the DUTCH test, (Died urine test for comprehensive hormones), a complex system of “hormonal mapping” which is often used by perimenopausal women. This involves collecting urine on strips and sending them for analysis and information on a range of sex and adrenal hormones. This can be done through various UK providers and usually costs upwards of £250, with hefty additional costs for personalised hormone replacement at the end. 

“Urine and saliva tests are not recommended by any medical society,” warns Dallas. “Hormone testing is rarely helpful anyway but when it is, the gold standard is blood tests.” 

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Benefits of early detection 

Peace of mind is one big benefit of knowing you are in the perimenopause. “A 48 year old woman might come to see us with terrible anxiety. She might have been referred to a rheumatologist for painful joints, a cardiologist for her palpitations and a dermatologist because she has terribly dry skin. The correct diagnosis would be the perimenopause but no one has actually put it together,” says Louden. 

Understanding the cause of what can be varied and challenging symptoms can be life-changing and also opens the door to treatment. There are options such as sequential HRT (which involves taking both oestrogen and progestogen) for women who are still having periods but experiencing a difficult perimenopause. 

For women who are under 45, early detection is important.  Oestrogen is a protective hormone – for bone health, muscle mass, blood pressure, cholesterol, even Alzheimer’s Disease. “If someone under 45, and especially under 40, is having very irregular or no periods, it’s very important to know why,” says Dallas. “It might be that HRT is recommended to reduce the risk of cardiac disease and osteoporosis.” 

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