A bachelorette party is a celebration of a new era of life, but one woman's party ushered in an era she never expected.

On June 7, Madison Barbosa (@madison_barbosa) posted a video on TikTok that has since gone viral, receiving more than 2 million views. In the clip, she told the story of finding love at what was supposed to be her bachelorette party. After her engagement broke down, she took the planned trip with her girlfriends to Mexico, where she ended up meeting her future husband. Barbosa, 30, spoke with Newsweek about the instant chemistry she felt with her now husband and how their lives have blossomed since then.

"The year was 2018. I got engaged to a long-term boyfriend, planned the wedding, which meant planning the bachelorette party, and I wanted to go to Cabo San Lucas," Barbosa said in the video, adding: "You see, I got dumped. I went through the worst breakup of my life."

Barbosa said that while she no longer wanted to go to Mexico, her girlfriends convinced her they could still have a good time. And have a good time, she did. The next day, she met the man who would become her husband.

Screenshots of Madison Barbosa's TikTok video. The video, in which Barbosa tells the story of how she met her husband during what was originally planned as a bachelorette trip, has gone viral. Screenshots of Madison Barbosa's TikTok video. The video, in which Barbosa tells the story of how she met her husband during what was originally planned as a bachelorette trip, has gone viral. @madison_barbosa/TikTok

At a pool, Barbosa and her friends met a group of men. "We start dancing. We're vibing. We're having a good time. I have my eyes on David," she said in the video.

"I have been a dancer my whole life, and he grabbed me and started dancing with me," Barbosa told Newsweek. "After dancing, we started talking and basically never stopped. The chemistry was instant. We actually stayed up all night talking about life and goals and dreams."

At the time, David lived in Canada, while Barbosa lived in Texas. Despite the distance, the two didn't stop talking. In fact, they spoke every single day, and David eventually invited Barbosa to visit him in Canada.

From that point on, the two were in a long-distance relationship. For two years, they visited each other regularly, then the COVID-19 lockdowns prevented international travel. Barbosa and David eloped to qualify as "immediate family" and bypass Canada's border restrictions.

"We ended up eloping on Galveston Beach, in the same exact spot we took photos together with our doggies," Barbosa said. "David had come down to visit in March 2020 and brought his pup. We introduced his dog to my two dogs and set up a cute photo shoot on the beach, not knowing that only four months later that would be the spot we eloped."

From a Bachelorette Party to Parenthood

On the day they eloped, Barbosa opted for a white dress with red roses. In November 2021, she and her husband welcomed their first child, whom they named Rose.

"We like to think we manifested her," Barbosa said.

The couple now has two children. Rose is almost 3 years old and their son, Beckham, is almost 2.

"I am living my dream being a stay-at-home mom and don't take one day for granted," Barbosa said. "My whole life I dreamed of becoming a mother, and I only wished I'd be able to stay home with them. Now that dream is my reality, and I couldn't be happier."

When it comes to the breakup that ushered in this period of joy, Barbosa said she believed things happened for a reason.

"People always ask me if I hate my ex for breaking off our engagement and ending our relationship so suddenly, and I simply say, 'Nope,'" she said. "Had he not done that I wouldn't have the life I have today. And this is a d*** good life."

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