At last, some good news about the NHS. Sounds unlikely, I know, but please bear with. A neighbour went to A&E recently to get a nasty burn treated. “Honestly, it was like the Third World,” a shocked Kate reported. So many people were sitting on the floor, she said, that traversing the human tide to get to the reception desk was almost impossible. “At one point, a nurse shouted that anyone who was sitting on a chair who was merely accompanying a patient should stand up. When they stood up, they were told to vacate their chairs immediately, but there was literally nowhere for them to even stand.” 

People who couldn’t make it through the fray to the toilets threw up where they were. The stench was awful. Throughout that same night, 13 ambulances carrying patients were parked outside the biggest hospital in the east of England. A&E had no capacity to admit them.  

Kate waited 12 hours before she finally spoke to someone medical (brusque, not kind). Apart from the skein of skin falling off her scalded hand, she was fit enough to endure the hellish conditions, but she saw older people give up and leave A&E. “Imagine being in your 80s, feeling terrible and surrounded by drunks with no hope of getting a bed until the morning. I just thought, ‘My God, what kind of country have we become?’”

Which is the correct reaction, and one that contains a grain of hope that the powerful hold the NHS exerts over the popular imagination is waning fast. Through painful personal experiences like Kate’s, people who were once true believers in the “national religion” are acquiring valuable immunity to the myth of the NHS’s saintliness. The blinkers are falling from our eyes. In the words of one despairing doctor: “The NHS is run by managers for the benefit of managers. Patients don’t count.”

Let me tell you how it is, because so few dare. The NHS is the enemy of the British people, not our friend. That is a very hard thing to accept, I know, because it goes against everything we have been taught. They have even trained us to use the familiar “our NHS” to make a monstrous socialist bureaucracy that swallows £160 billion of taxpayers’ money every year sound like a lovable old member of the family, somebody you can always rely on. But you can’t. It’s worse than you can possibly imagine. 

The NHS is now in such a state of collapse, so chronically kaput, that it is actually killing people. Men, women and children who should be alive today are dead because they were born British. Lost forever to their loved ones because Britain has a health service with some of the worst outcomes in the developed world.  

Take just one example. Prof Pat Price, a world-renowned oncologist, paints a terrifying picture of cancer care. “Despite all the positive PR from NHS England,” says Prof Price, “cancer waits in January were the second worst on record. Three thousand patients are waiting more than three months to start treatment.”

The NHS promised it would get cancer waits back to pre-Covid levels by March 2021 but now it says the aim is to get it back to 70 per cent by March 2025.

“It feels like everyone has given up and accepted we can’t do it so they just rely on PR instead,” says Prof Price.

Still think the NHS is “the envy of the world”? If, God forbid, you get cancer in the UK, the target for you to start treatment is 62 days after diagnosis. Even that risible milestone is frequently missed.

“Tell doctors from other European countries that our target is 62 days and they can’t believe it,” adds another leading oncologist. If you were French, German or Spanish, you could expect to start cancer treatment in a fortnight, if not before. Being British can be a death sentence.

“We still have such a huge backlog from so many services being shut unnecessarily during Covid,” says a London GP. “Heart disease waiting times for tests, diagnosis and treatment are worse than I’ve ever seen. In some areas, target times are being abandoned because they can’t be met.”

Can we please pause a minute to let that sink in? Critical targets are being abandoned by the NHS because they know they will never be met. What a cynical, shameful, secretive admission of failure that is. Yet, instead of owning up, in true Stalinist style NHS managers pretend there never was a target to miss in the first place.  

Yet, I can guarantee fleets of NHS communications staff will go on pumping out perky propaganda so the public is falsely reassured. And costly posters and leaflets will demean and insult pregnant women by calling them “ovary owners” and “birthing parents” because Left-wing identity bilge is more important to the NHS than, for example, making sure maternity units are safe.

Until recently, politicians have been too scared to challenge the NHS, such was the public affection for the institution. Today, their protestations of fealty to this greedy leviathan sound increasingly deranged. When Jeremy Hunt used his Budget speech in March to claim that the health service is “the biggest reason most of us are proud to be British” many people watching at home cried: “You what?” Like many wealthy people, the Chancellor has the option of going private and not joining an eight million-plus waiting list. 

Even the most devout NHS worshipper is clearly starting to have doubts. According to the recent British Social Attitudes survey, dissatisfaction with the NHS is at an all-time high, with less than a quarter of people satisfied with our health system.

Who can blame us? The stats are as terrible as they are relentless: more than 150,000 patients were forced to wait more than 24 hours in A&E before getting a hospital bed last year, a tenfold increase on 2019. 

More than 250 people a week die needlessly because of long A&E waits.

Those are just the official data. Many of us will know of relatives or friends who are too scared to go to hospital (because they think they will die of sepsis or neglect), who have spent several excruciating hours on the floor at home awaiting an ambulance, who have given up even trying to get a GP appointment (more chance of a blind date with a unicorn, quite frankly). Or they’ve found out that their “urgent referral” means an initial hospital consultation in June 2025 and have raided their savings to go private for their hip operation.

Why not go private if you can when the alternative is a sick joke? “One of my patients received four letters on the same day from our local hospital,” says the London GP, “two letters giving her an appointment on two different dates, and two letters cancelling them both!” That’s peak NHS for you. 

Labour, which has always scaremongered about creating a “two-tier health system”, is now openly saying it would use the private sector to help reduce waiting times. Sir Keir Starmer may piously sing on the stuck record of “our NHS” crumbling due to inadequate Tory funding, rather than the true explanation: inadequate NHS management. But shadow health secretary Wes Streeting shows more guts than any Conservative predecessor when he says there will be no more cash without the “major surgery” of reform. “It’s a service not a shrine.” 

I like the way Streeting calls out those Olympian hypocrites, the “middle-class Lefties” who cry betrayal over “free at the point of use” while paying for private medicine to get quicker treatment themselves.

Reform UK has gone one better than Labour. Richard Tice’s party promises to spend the cash committed to the reckless, futile pursuit of net zero on tax relief of 20 per cent on all independent healthcare and insurance. That should incentivise those who can afford it to go private and free up the NHS for those who can’t.

This is the future. By 2050, every working person will have some form of private insurance supplemented by the state, I think. That same system, by the way, which operates in all civilised countries with far better healthcare than our own because they aren’t a cult member worshipping a grotesque, cruel deity called “our NHS”.

Out of interest, I asked a source in NHS England what all the senior managers like CEO Amanda Pritchard made of the recent appalling headlines about their failing organisation. Surely, they must be worried? “There isn’t even any acknowledgment of either the (dis)satisfaction survey or the stories about A&E waiting times killing people,” said George. “Working at NHS England is like being on the International Space Station. You wouldn’t think there was much connection with the actual world of treating actual patients in actual hospitals. It’s all about the latest restructuring which has taken 18 months so far. They really couldn’t care less.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the arrogant, unaccountable bureaucratic caste which gobbles up billions of pounds of public funds yet gives such bad value for money that Kate and millions like her spend the night from hell in A&E.

Being born British should not be a death sentence in any circumstances. As long as we go on believing in the NHS it will be.    

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