A mom who now calls California home has gone viral with her reasons for raising her daughter in the United States.

Ellis, whose last name is not online, highlighted how the way of living, safety, mindset and job opportunities influenced her choice to move her family across the Atlantic in a TikTok video.

In the clip, Ellis (known as @ellcochlin on the platform) begins by praising the lifestyle in America, which she describes as "next level" compared to the United Kingdom.

Happy mother and daughter having fun on tropical beach at sunset. British mom Ellis listed her top reasons for why she and her partner are raising their daughter in Orange County, California. Happy mother and daughter having fun on tropical beach at sunset. British mom Ellis listed her top reasons for why she and her partner are raising their daughter in Orange County, California. Alessandro Biascioli

For Ellis, the vibrant way of life in California offers opportunities and experiences that aren't as readily available in the U.K.

Like many other Brits, the dry, long summers are highly coveted—something that's another major advantage of living in the U.S.

While she admits to being a fan of autumn and Christmas, the year-round sunshine in California has won her over: "Nothing beats waking up in the morning and it's 25 degrees [Celsius] outside," she says in her video.

The reliable and hot weather in California means spending more time outdoors—something which isn't always possible in the U.K.'s unpredictable climate.

"You haven't got to rearrange plans and you can enjoy your day on the beach," she adds.

Safety was another key reason for raising her daughter in Orange County. The British mom says that she feels "a lot safer" compared to where she lived before.

Ellis moved her family to Irvine which has consistently been ranked as one of the U.S.' safest places to live.

From a countrywide perspective, research from Statista showed that an estimated 1,232,428 violent crimes occurred in the U.S. in 2022. This is a decrease from the year before, when 1,253,716 violent crimes were reported.

Comparing crime rates between countries or regions is complex due to a number of factors including legal definitions, reporting practices and the way data is categorized.

The U.K. tracks crime through the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and research from 2023 shows an overall crime rate of around 77 crimes per 1,000 people, though this varies significantly by region.

Within California, Orange County generally has lower crime rates compared to other counties such as Los Angeles.

For instance, in 2022, Orange County had a violent crime rate of around 277 per 100,000 people, which is below the state average.

"We leave everything outside, doors unlocked, and I feel so safe in my neighborhood," Ellis says in her clip.

Since moving to the U.S, Ellis has noticed a big difference between the mindset of fellow Brits compared to those in California.

She referred to a supportive atmosphere among peer groups: "They just want their friends to succeed."

Lastly, the abundance of job opportunities was a major appeal to Ellis, and she claims you can make 5 times more money than what you would earn in the U.K.

Since it was posted on August 13, Ellis' video has racked up over 482,000 views, as well as thousands of comments.

Many TikTok users pointed out that those who are wealthy live "comfortably" in the U.S, but it's a different story if you come from a lower-class background.

"You can't really compare the O.C. to the rest of the U.S. The U.S. is fine if you have money only. Most people aren't in a fortunate position to comfortably live in the U.S," one user commented.

"I also immigrated to the U.S. from the U.K. Best decision of my life. I left Nottingham for the Denver suburbs and never looked back," one TikTok user commented.

Another questioned Ellis on maternity leave in the U.S. The British mom explained in the comments that while she wasn't working right now, she had "heard it can be bad."

Others were interested to know how Ellis' family acquired visas to live permanently in the States and the creator told commenters she would post the details in a video "soon."

"Your little girl is so lucky," another user commented.

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