It has outraged the Left, shocked mental health charities and appalled campaigners, who have decried Rishi Sunak’s keynote speech on welfare reform and our “sick note culture” as “a full-on assault on disabled people” and “an irresponsible war of words”.

Even I was stunned when the Prime Minister used the words “growing trend” to describe the plethora of “mental health conditions” affecting 53 per cent of the 2.8 million Brits who are now “economically inactive” because of long-term sickness; when he said that it would be wrong to “sit back and accept” this. Obviously, it is a trend, and obviously pandering to it in the way that we have been is untenable. But since when are politicians – let alone prime ministers – truthful about this issue?

It was when Sunak stated that we had to be “more honest about the risk of over-medicalising the everyday challenges and worries of life”, however, that my jaw actually dropped. As every parent knows, any statement that begins with the diplomatic phrase “there’s a risk of” means: “this is already a huge problem. Vast.” But couching it as a caution is a way of saying the unsayable, of guarding against the kickback. And while many of us have been openly discussing the root cause of some of our biggest societal and economic ills in private for years, I, for one, had given up hope of anyone making a public diagnosis – and calling out the over-medicalisation of life as the damaging force that it is.

Sunak could have gone further. He could have removed the mention of potential “risk” and called it a reality. He could have explained how wide-ranging this culture of “over-medicalisation” really is and detailed how detrimental it has been in every area of life to reframe normal challenges, setbacks and anxieties as insuperable abnormalities, as disabilities. He could have said what we’re all thinking: “I refuse to believe that almost a quarter of all working age British adults are incapable of work.”

The PM came close when he said: “We should see it as a sign of progress that people can talk openly about mental health conditions in a way that only a few years ago would’ve been unthinkable, and I will never dismiss or downplay the illnesses people have.” His “but”, however, could have been stronger. Rather than say “but… it would be wrong merely to sit back and accept it because it’s too hard; or too controversial; or for fear of causing offence” – all of which is true – he could have said that when you ring fence off whole areas with the words “mental health”, when you prohibit any further discussion, let alone any questioning of what is really going on, you are going to get people abusing the system.

You’re going to get the cynics who understand the power of victimhood in today’s society, and how easy the rewards are. After all, being “sick” won’t just give you attention, sympathy and social status, but will get you signed off work and ensure financial support, alongside other benefits. So where is the motivation to get well?

This is what the mental health campaigners should be angry about. Were I suffering from a mental health issue, this is what would make me furious. We should all welcome the calling out of those who, by medicalising normal human suffering, are undermining true mental illness and prompting eye rolls every time those two words are uttered.

Certainly, mental health charities and campaigners should be as horrified as the PM by data recently published by the NHS: figures telling us that of the almost 11 million “fit notes” issued last year – 94 per cent of which claimed people were “not fit for work” – a huge proportion were issued without any advice. This means that those in genuine need are not getting the appropriate support, let alone being provided with a pathway back to work – and life.

Setting aside our productivity and economy (and Sunak notes that even before the pandemic, we had the second lowest inactivity rate in the G7), we now have incontrovertible evidence that the longer someone is out of work, the lower the likelihood that they return to work. We know that isolation is detrimental to mental health and that the health benefits of working and being in a social environment are immense. So shouldn’t getting those who are able back to work be in everyone’s best interests?

Far from being a giant eye roll at the vulnerable and the disabled, Sunak’s speech was the denouncement of a damaging cultural trend that is aiding the cynical profiteers and failing those in genuine need of help.

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