Today is St George’s Day – and Labour MPs are overjoyed. Or at least, so says Sir Keir Starmer. “Labour is the patriotic party now,” he declared on Sunday, in an article for The Telegraph. “We will celebrate St George’s Day with enthusiasm.”

How exactly he and his colleagues will be celebrating, he did not reveal. Perhaps they’ll be having a barbecue at Angela Rayner’s house. If so, I hope that she’s remembered to specify which house, or they might go to the wrong one.

At any rate, Sir Keir’s article was plainly intended to persuade voters that, despite the impression they may have formed during the Jeremy Corbyn years, Labour actually quite likes the country it seeks to govern. Personally, however, I think this effort is a mistake – for the following three reasons.

One, Sir Keir’s claim is patently untrue. Indeed, a poll published yesterday suggested that a significant proportion of Labour supporters – one in eight – believe that the St George’s flag is “racist”.

Two, it’s irrelevant. The outcome of the next election is already settled. Voters have grown so heartily sick of the Tories that even if Sir Keir announced a personal commitment to throttle every kitten in the country, Labour would still end up with a 200-seat majority.

The most important reason, however, is the third – which is that Sir Keir’s plan is terribly short-termist. Declaring that your party is “patriotic” may please a few voters today. But it’s also a surefire way to put off the next generation. Because many members of Gen Z believe that patriotism – or at least, British patriotism – is not just uncool, but actively shameful.

On Sunday, a national newspaper ran an eye-opening article written by an anonymous teacher who works at an unnamed academy in the south of England. And, according to this teacher, today’s teenagers openly loathe this country. “The other day,” he or she wrote, “I asked a class of 13-year-olds to raise their hands if they hated Britain. Thirty hands shot up with immediate, absolute certainty.”

The teacher was not surprised. At a previous school, he or she had found that pupils were “imbued with a sense that their country is particularly bad”. This antipathy, the teacher believes, is fostered by a modern curriculum “packed with hand-wringing about Western imperialism and institutional racism” and “designed to open minds to the evils of Western civilisation”.

In light of this, it seems hopelessly naive and shortsighted of Sir Keir Starmer to go around boasting about how patriotic Labour is. In the not too distant future, after all, today’s teenagers will be Britain’s dominant voter group. For the sake of his party’s survival, therefore, Sir Keir should be planning for the longer term – by making clear that he and his colleagues despise this country with every fibre of their being. Because that will be the only way to win Gen Z’s votes.

Soon enough, all the major parties will be doing it. Throughout each general election campaign, politicians of every stripe will eagerly compete to show which of them reviles Britain with the greatest ferocity. Future Labour leaders will pledge to ban Wimbledon, bunting and Paddington Bear. Future Tory leaders will tear down statues of Winston Churchill. And any MP caught singing the national anthem will be accused of being out of touch with ordinary, hard-working, anti-British families.

Every April 23, meanwhile, there will still be public re-enactments of St George versus the dragon. But Gen Z will be cheering on the latter. 

Is climate change homophobic?

A study by academics in the US brings troubling news. Gay couples, they’ve concluded, are “at greater risk of exposure to the negative effects of climate change” than heterosexual couples.

At first glance, this may seem like a modern version of those evangelical prophecies that God would send floods to express His displeasure about homosexuality. Apparently, however, the basis for the above claim is that gay couples are more likely to “reside in coastal areas [and] large cities”.

To avoid accusations of neglecting LGBT safety, our own Government will doubtless feel obliged to act. But what should it do? Order gay couples to relocate to rural or mountainous areas? Move Brighton to the Pennines? Organise Pride marches on Ben Nevis?

Then again, ministers may recall that, in 2022, a separate report – published by Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London – claimed that “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Londoners are more likely to be affected by the impact of the climate crisis”. So they’ll have to be relocated, too. But who should be relocated first: LGBT, or BAME? Ministers can hardly prioritise one group without offending the other.

On reflection, perhaps climate change will have one benefit. Once mankind is extinct, there’ll be no more silly rows about identity politics.

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