The man with the camel is doing his best to appear as though he’s not looking. Of course, he is looking. I, for my part, am doing my best to seem as though I’m not looking, either. But I am. What do you expect? Camels are fascinating.

And his camel, to be fair, is a far more usual sight around these parts than my bright red Skoda Enyaq Coupe, which is the source of his covert interest. This is largely because Skoda does not sell the Enyaq here in Morocco. Furthermore, its British registration plates are rarely seen on this side of the Alboran Sea. 

Why are we here, then? Good question. Ostensibly, the idea is to road-test this mildly revised Enyaq, which has gained more range through battery management revisions, as well as faster charging and a tweaked entertainment system with a new menu structure. It still looks the same, though, so you can’t even call this a facelift.

Usually, a manufacturer might roll out such mild changes at a nice hotel and conference centre in the Cotswolds. They might not bother even to do that.

This time, though, Skoda has brought us – as well as four Enyaqs, three support vehicles, several staff, a fixer, a photographer, a videographer and a wilderness survival expert – to the desert. You might perhaps imagine they had some spare budget to use up. I couldn’t possibly comment. 

An electric Skoda is not the normal mode of transportation in the desert Credit: Andy Morgan

Power and glory

There is a link, however: a solar power station here, which we’re to visit. Sounds pretty tenuous – but there is perhaps a good reason to it see up close. This could be something that might turn out to be a key part of our energy mix if the electric car transition is to take place as the Government intends.

As our flight descends, I can see the Noor-Ouarzazate Solar Complex sparkling arrestingly on a dusty brown plain, its huge array of reflective surfaces and photovoltaic panels taking up a sizeable chunk of the desert. An hour or so after landing, we’re passing through its gates, passing serried ranks of glistening concave mirrors. 

Noor – Arabic for “light” – is made up of four sub-complexes, each built upon a slightly different principle; technology has progressed since construction began on the first in 2013. Noor 1 and Noor 2 are both “parabolic trough” designs, which use concave mirrors to reflect the sun’s light into a heat transfer fluid – an oil based on petroleum. This runs through a pipe set within glass and is suspended along the mirrors’ focal point, which can reach almost 400C.

This heat is used to turn water into steam, which drives a turbine – and hey presto, the lights stay on in Marrakesh. 

Noor 4 uses more conventional photovoltaic panels, but it is Noor 3 which is the most visually arresting. Like 1 and 2 it’s a concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) set-up but at its centre is a 242-metre tall tower – until 2019, the tallest building in Africa. Beneath it, laid out in concentric circles, sits a field of 7,400 mirrors (or heliostats) which focus the light of the sun on a point at the top of the tower.

This heats molten salt – used as a heat transfer agent instead of the oil-based alternative, because it stays warmer for longer and therefore allows energy to be generated long after the sun has set. Again, the by-product is steam, which drives a turbine.

Morocco's Noor-Ouarzazate Solar Complex is the perfect place to charge up Credit: Andy Morgan

Energy markets

Noor takes advantage of one of Morocco’s most abundant natural resources – sunlight – and is using it to power the country into the future. It’s impossible not to stand on the viewing platform and marvel at the possibilities. 

All around, vast tracts of desert sit beyond the complex’s boundaries. It isn’t hard to imagine a desert floor carpeted with solar panels, providing Morocco – and many other North African countries besides – with an abundance of electrical energy. 

It could work for the UK, too. An endeavour known as XLinks, backed by Octopus Energy and headed by former Tesco chief executive Sir Dave Lewis, has secured 580 square miles of desert in the Guelmim-Oued Noun region, about 300 miles to the south, in order to build a wind and solar farm that could pipe power exclusively to Great Britain. 

Expect to see more of this sort of thing in the future. Morocco, some industry commentators contend, is well placed to become extremely wealthy off the back of the world’s conversion to clean energy.  

For now, though, Noor is busy pumping energy into the four Enyaqs awaiting our attention. 

Into the desert

From here, we’ll be taking our electric cars into the desert; following the valley of the Draa river, through Zagora and M’hamid El Ghizlane, then into the fringes of the Sahara, where we’ll be camping for the night. 

This sounds brave, but in reality, it isn’t, because Skoda has even gone to the extent of footing the bill for the installation of a charging point at the last hotel before the desert really starts in M’hamid, so that it can charge the Enyaqs overnight. 

In theory, the Enyaq’s improved official range of 348 miles should be capable of making the 330-mile round-trip back to Ouarzazate without the need to recharge. 

It is well known most EVs won’t get close to their official figures in the real world – especially using the air-conditioning in 30-degree heat. Throw in a couple of mountain ranges along the way and it isn’t hard to envisage grinding to a halt somewhere on the return leg. 

This dearth of chargers comes as no great surprise as we get on the road. The average age of Morocco’s car parc is not much older than the UK’s – but the figures are skewed by the number of shiny new models that populate the larger cities.

Out here, modern Dacias share the road with older Mercedes, Renaults and Peugeots – some of which look to be clinging to life with admirable tenacity. 

Chargers can be hard to come by on the road Credit: Andy Morgan

But even the newer cars are still resolutely petrol and diesel; Morocco has little more than 1,000 public charging points, despite being double the size of the UK – which has almost 60,000. And most of the chargers are in the larger towns and cities. 

Which is one reason our brightly-coloured convoy stands out among the battered pick-ups and mopeds that emerge without warning from side streets, as we plunge into Ouarzazate. Beyond, the buildings give way to an endless sea of jagged rocks – someone has helpfully added a point of interest on Google Maps entitled “Interesting Geology”, which is hard to refute.

Rock, but no roll

As we climb into the Anti-Atlas mountains, the geology becomes even more interesting, and with it the views. Around every hairpin bend is a lay-by from where one can stop and take in the clear strata in the rock. 

The Anti-Atlas are made up of a Precambrian crystalline basement unconformably overlain by slightly folded Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks. Or so I discover when I get home and research it. What that means in layman’s terms is a series of rocky, reddish-brown peaks without a human settlement in sight, with the course of the Draa river – currently dry, but picked out at the edges by a flourish of palm trees that show it isn’t always – nestled between.

On these twisting roads, the Enyaq is surprisingly good company. It still feels like a family car in which safety and predictability are the watchwords – as it should be – but with that predictability comes confidence. 

With hot, beautifully smooth asphalt, there’s a tonne of grip and the Enyaq feels remarkably well balanced, so that you can really lean on the outer tyres through faster bends without fear of the nose or tail breaking away unexpectedly.

With the panoramic sightlines and roads free of traffic you can build quite a head of speed – far more than you might be expecting in a large, heavy battery-powered SUV.

As we descend out of the mountains, the road meets the course of the river again, a shock of greenery in the otherwise arid landscape. Small, dusty settlements pop up along the way; children point and nudge each other as our cars pass, looking like something from the future – which, to all intents and purposes, they are.

Worlds apart

Indeed, driving through these little towns, as we pass old men leading heavily laden mules and women gathering at wells to fill gourds with water, you see the other side of Morocco. 

In Marrakesh and Casablanca and even just up the road in Ouarzazate, technology is forging a path ahead. Here, though, quite a large proportion of the country has yet to catch up. There is much work to be done if projects like Noor are to benefit the population as a whole, rather than simply the wealthier elements of society far away in the big cities. 

We stop in Zagora, at one of the many kasbahs that are strewn throughout this area, like little bucolic jewels made of warm, sweet tea and luxuriantly upholstered cushions. 

Though functional in big cities, smaller towns have less support for EVs Credit: Andy Morgan

The food is sensational – sweet treats made of crunchy, crispy pastry and dripping with natural honey. This particular kasbah has a pool overhung by palm fronds, granting it a level of privacy and peace that belie the bustling town just outside. 

We could tarry, but we have to press on. Beyond Zagora, the roads become progressively more desolate. At one point, separated from the convoy, I round one corner to find a view of the desert below, the solitary road I’m about to follow spearing off into the distance, entirely free of traffic.

The further south we travel, the more Morocco feels like I’d imagined it; sand laps at the edges of the roads and people wander along the shoulder, halfway between two towns that are easily 10 miles apart, their “tagelmust” head coverings flapping in the warm breeze. 

Bump and grind

Still, though, the Enyaq feels built for the task, its soft suspension lapping up the bumps in the surface. Granted, the ride in these Sportline versions is not ideal through the ruts and potholes in the towns, but at higher speeds, the Enyaq flows smoothly over the grainy Tarmac, its interior a climate-controlled cocoon of faux suede and high-quality plastics.

Despite modifications, the touchscreen in this car is still annoying, albeit less so than it is in its sister vehicle, the Volkswagen ID.4; you learn to live with it, but it never quite feels up to the task of replacing conventional physical dials and buttons.

We form a convoy in M’hamid for the final push into the desert. We’re told to engage Traction mode, which maintains a permanent four-wheel drive up to 12mph, to help us out if we get bogged down. I don’t plan on doing so. Chris, the medic, has already mentioned the prospect of scorpions in the sand. 

As we leave M’hamid, the sun is setting over the dunes, casting long shadows and turning the sky an almost impossible shade of gold. Ahead, the lead cars kick up a fine spray that sparkles in the evening light as we push on along a rough gully of more compacted dirt, rounding corners between dunes that all look the same. Even on this short run, it would be all too easy to lose your bearings.

As we roll into camp, the camels are waiting. We are greeted with more sweet, black tea and the smell of a simmering tagine. And as I watch the sun sinking below the dunes, I ponder.

Not the car, so much. The Enyaq has long been one of our favourite EVs, with its excellent blend of space and comfort. Very little has changed for this update and the return journey tomorrow won’t be a hardship. 

Morroco might become a future energy superpower Credit: Andy Morgan

Power moves

So what have I learned? That Morocco is a stunning country full of kind, friendly and inquisitive people, and studded with incredible views and a plethora of beautiful little guesthouses.

And also that, despite how surprisingly well-suited it is to this country, it’ll be a long while before Morocco’s charging infrastructure is able to support widespread EV usage – not to mention before its populace is able to afford to make the switch.

In the meantime, though, expect energy from Noor and similar projects to be put to good use powering those in the big cities who are wealthy enough to be early EV adopters. Not to mention Europe’s EV infatuation, of course – and if Morocco plays its cards right, that places it in prime position to become an energy superpower of the future. Which will be a turn-up for the man with the camel. 

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