When you have kids, what would you give to be able to spend one night a week by yourself to do whatever you wish? Perhaps you'd love to go out with friends and not worry about childcare? That's exactly the deal that one Minnesota couple have agreed on to ensure they both get weekly alone time.

There's no doubt that parenting can be wonderful, but it's also incredibly hard at times. Thankfully, Cedric Thompson Jr. and his wife Charlotte Thompson have created a healthy plan to help them thrive while parenting their three daughters, aged 6, 4, and 1.

Thompson Jr. explained to Newsweek that, for one night a week, he ensures that his wife gets "uninterrupted alone time" to spend however she pleases. Whether she's having a soak in the bath, starting a new TV series, or meeting friends, Thompson Jr. is happy to sort out their daughters' food, bath times, bedtimes, and everything in between.

"Alone time is essential and should be prioritized, especially in a relationship. I always say the best way to care for yourself is by caring for others. I want my wife to remember who she is outside of being a mother and a wife, and I believe she does that by having time to herself," he said.

Cedric Thompson Jr. explained to Newsweek that, for one night a week, he ensures that his wife gets "uninterrupted alone time" to spend however she pleases. Cedric Thompson Jr. explained to Newsweek that, for one night a week, he ensures that his wife gets "uninterrupted alone time" to spend however she pleases. @ced / Instagram

Of course, it isn't a completely one-sided agreement, and Thompson Jr. also gets nights to himself once a week too. The chosen evenings can be adjusted if needed based on whatever activities the kids have going on, if either parent needs to catch up on work, or "anything else that may come up."

Since starting the arrangement in 2023, it has certainly worked for the Thompsons, and it may seem like a dream scenario for many other parents too. Recent data from the Pew Research Center revealed that 62 percent of parents say that parenting is harder than they imagined, and 41 percent noted that it's incredibly tiring. Additionally, 29 percent feel that parenting can be very stressful, and there's no doubt that people need all the help they can get.

There is also reason to celebrate however, because the report from last year also highlights that 80 percent of parents say that it's rewarding, while 82 percent feel it's enjoyable.

Instagram Users React

On February 6, Thompson Jr. took to Instagram (@ced) to explain how the time alone helps them both, and why they "prioritize it" now. The video has intrigued many people, already gaining more than 29.7 million views and over 1.4 million likes.

"The reaction has been interesting but mostly positive," Thompson Jr. told Newsweek. "It's hard to explain all that goes on in my wife having alone time in 60 seconds, and when people don't have the full context, they can make assumptions, which is understandable."

He knows this may not work for everyone, but Thompson Jr. insists that other parents "should not feel guilty for having alone time" if they need it. By prioritizing their own needs once a week, both parents can feel refreshed and rested, which only helps them be more present in the long run.

With more than 14,400 comments on the viral Instagram post so far, many people praised the couple for being so open, while others were full of questions.

One Instagram user asked: "honest question: how do you navigate this need for alone time for yourself as well?"

Another user responded: "This is a GOOD MAN, a real partner, a real TEAMMATE."

While another Instagram user wrote: "I love this. the not feeling rushed part is so important."

Is there a parenting issue that's worrying you? Let us know via health@newsweek.com. We can ask experts for advice, and your story could be featured on Newsweek.

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