Remember that old NatWest ad? A forlorn old lady moaned, ‘Oh dear, my bank is now a trendy wine bar,’ as a Champagne cork popped in the background of a bustling city-centre street. Twenty years on, however, the residents of Sheffield have woken up to find that the city’s most famous housing estate now has a trendy wine bar: proof that this once most mocked of drinking establishments is more than just a punchline.

Tom ‘Ronnie’ Aronica and Jack Wakelin opened Bench La Cave in Park Hill in February. The largest Grade II-listed building in Europe has transformed from sink estate to des-res since being given a makeover by developer Urban Splash, but it remains a bleakly brutalist vision, facing off against the city centre from a wind-swept hilltop overlooking the railway station. Its position effectively makes Park Hill a concrete village separated from the rest of the city by the train tracks below, the only passing trade the estate’s 2,000 residents. But, Wakelin says, it is precisely by appealing to residents rather than destination drinkers that Bench La Cave is proving a valuable local asset.

La Cave's owners wanted to appeal to local residents in Park Hill, Sheffield Credit: India Hobson

‘We’ve definitely seen the success of opening a wine bar within a community,’ Wakelin says, ‘and offering something for that community, rather than being on the high street, where the rents and rates are higher and we’d be under more pressure to charge a higher margin. By operating Bench in a local neighbourhood, we can charge a lower price and make it affordable and approachable.’

Wine bars can trace their history back to the 19th century. Wine merchant Francis Edwin Davy opened the Rising Sun ‘wine house’ off the Strand in 1870; Gordon’s, which claims to be London’s oldest wine bar, opened on the nearby Embankment in 1890. But it wasn’t until the Thatcherite 1980s a century later that the wine bar became cemented in the popular imagination as the drinking den du jour.

Gordon's in Embankment, which claims to be London's oldest wine bar Credit: Paul Marc Mitchell

The Big Bang deregulation of 1986 brought in a new generation of traders to the City of London from the East End and Essex who were heavier (and later) drinkers than the gentleman merchant bankers and stockbrokers who were back on the train to the Home Counties by 6pm. Such was the wine bar’s cultural impact that when in 1987 the writers on EastEnders wanted to foreshadow that James Willmott-Brown was an all-round bad egg, they did so through the yuppie opening an Albert Square wine bar, The Dagmar, to steal business from The Queen Vic, signalling his villain status as effectively as the dastardly twirl of a moustache.

Kathy Beale and James Wilmott-Brown in fictional wine bar The Dagmar, 1988 Credit: EastEnders

The recession of the early 1990s and credit crunch of the noughties slashed company credit cards for corporate imbibing, as did the US investment banks who took a less tolerant view of daytime drinking than their European counterparts. The increase in the City workforce of women understandably allergic to a sawdust-strewn basement full of men spilling Bordeaux down their pinstripes was another nail in the wine bar’s oak-aged coffin. The 1980s wine bar icon Balls Brothers fell into administration in 2010; wine merchant Corney & Barrow sold its portfolio of 11 bars in 2016. 

But tip all that into the spitoon of history; the wine bar of 2024 is a completely different vintage. Wakelin says that the reaction on Park Hill has been positive, even from former residents. ‘A lot of people have come in and shown us photos of their old home, which we didn’t expect. They can’t believe they’re drinking sparkling wine and eating oysters in Park Hill.’ He points out that any gentrification was set in motion when Sheffield Council sold the estate for £1 in 2004 to Urban Splash, who say that every former council tenant was offered the right to move back following the refurbishment, but few took up the offer.

‘I understand the accusation of gentrification being levelled,’ Aronica adds, ‘but I find it hard to take. We’re not driving around in Porsches. I’ve got a Vauxhall Corsa. We’re not trying to exploit an area for financial gain.’

When I head into Bench La Cave on a Friday evening it is, admittedly, doing less brisk trade than the Pearl at Park Hill, the modern-style pub that Aronica and Wakelin also operate next door. But, despite its dinky dimensions, Bench’s USP is to offer personal service to the 15 or so drinkers who can be accommodated around a communal table. The new wine bars offer an intimate – not corporate – atmosphere.

'An intimate' atmosphere: Wine and snacks offered at La Cave, in Sheffield Credit: India Hobson

The bar’s manager Jess Clugston offers six or seven bottles by the glass each week. She pours me a glass of Bock Trou Blanc, an organic chardonnay from Ardèche that tastes too much like cider for me; Manon Farm Rosato, a South Australian pinot noir, slips down a treat, however. ‘If I have something funky open and a customer doesn’t like it, I’m happy to open something more clean-tasting,’ Clugston says. ‘I’m pretty flexible.’

Neither bottle of wine has much on the label to indicate what’s inside, and presentation is key to the boom in regional wine bars, Aronica thinks. ‘I wasn’t around for the yuppie wine bar,’ he says, ‘so all I’ve known is this. The people making natural wines are not giving off a posh, rich vibe – they’re all on farms. There’s nothing on the label to say a wine might be an expensive bottle of Chablis, so there are none of the connotations or bravado of the sort of clientele who might be attracted to that. Jack and I are normal guys who don’t sit around opening £60 bottles of wine at home. We want to drink something nice and not spend stupid amounts of money on it. So it would be pretty daft to expect our customers to do that.’

Wakelin, 33, and Aronica, 36, would look equally at home in the cooler parts of the capital as Sheffield. Wakelin is wearing oversized specs and a fleecy grey jumper by a skate brand called Palace (‘I’ve never skateboarded in my life,’ he says). Almost every bit of Aronica that isn’t obscured by a baggy Stüssy coat is covered in tattoos which he describes as ‘lots of mistakes’. But while they are regular visitors to the natural wine bars flourishing in London’s neighbourhoods, Paris is as much of an inspiration for them as Peckham, not least in the name.

Wakelin and Aronica: 'We're not driving around in Porsches' Credit: India Hobson

‘Bench La Cave is a nod to European wine bar culture,’ Aronica says. ‘There’s a famous restaurant in Paris called Septime which has a wine bar called Septime La Cave. Our food is limited at the moment to things like charcuterie and steak tartare but we’re going to start doing bistro nights at the weekend.’

We’re soon joined by Sam Binstead, a 31-year-old photographer, and his French bulldog Lilith, named after Frasier’s ex-wife in the sitcom, who moved into an upstairs flat two years ago. ‘I call this the hotel bar,’ he jokes. ‘I come twice a week. It’s got that local feel without being a pub. I love the spontaneity of being able to pop in for a glass and then take a bottle home. There’s not a lot going on in Sheffield city centre beyond great coffee shops.’

Binstead describes himself as ‘fairly au fait with the Northern wine scene’, namechecking vintners-cum-wine bars Wayward Wines in Leeds and Flawd in Manchester. But might Bench’s local focus have more in common with what is going on elsewhere in Yorkshire than in the centres of the North’s big cities?

Over the county border in North Yorkshire, Ruth Hansom opened her first solo project, Hansom, in the market town of Bedale in February. As one would expect from an ambitious chef going it alone – the 28-year-old was the first-ever female winner of the Young National Chef of the Year award in 2017 – there’s a tasting menu-only restaurant on the first floor serving eight courses for £75 in an oak-beamed dining room, which seats 16. But there’s more interest – at least for local regulars – in the ground-floor wine bar.

A restaurant on the first floor of Hansom is tasting-menu only Credit: Hansom

‘We’re in a small town in North Yorkshire where business is massively built on the local community,’ Hansom says. ‘We wanted to offer something that was more accessible to locals and not just somewhere they would go for a special occasion.’ When Hansom opened, the chef received not only flowers and cards of thanks from grateful locals but offers to come and work shifts to extend the wine bar hours beyond Thursday to Saturday.

Hansom is just as keen to focus on local produce as local customers: cheese from Wensleydale Creamery and charcuterie made from pedigree pigs on the nearby Swinton Estate – ‘and wine seemed like the natural thing to serve with that’.

Ruth Hansom wanted her wine bar to focus on local produce Credit: Olivia Brabbs

The menu will change monthly; for now, there are small plates of Dale End cheddar puffs and a Swaledale lamb and sage sausage roll, and glasses of Marlborough sauvignon blanc and Californian pinot noir – though the orange Amfòra from the Languedoc is selling surprisingly well. ‘Orange wine is something different that people haven’t had before. If you just plonk the menu down without discussing the wines then 100 per cent of people will order a variety that they know already. Because we’re small we have time to talk to customers.’

Before moving back north – she grew up in Darlington – Hansom made her name at The Princess of Shoreditch in east London. Was she not tempted to bring a gastropub to Bedale? ‘There are already some absolutely great pubs in the area. We’re not here to steal anybody else’s business, but there are a lot of people who want something that’s not just going to the pub every day. There’s not really anything like us in the area unless you travel to Harrogate or York. Opening Hansom was about finding a niche.’

'There's not really anything like us in the area', says owner Ruth Hansom

While wine bars may be an unusual sight on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, the more modish stretches of the Kent coast are in danger of becoming saturated. But it’s not all Shoreditch-on-Sea in the south-east. Wine consultant and writer Zeren Wilson opened his bar John Dory in what he calls the ‘blink and you’d miss it’ Folkestone suburb of Sandgate in 2022. ‘I thought we’d be relying on the reflected glory of Folkestone,’

Wilson says, adding that he’d never heard of Sandgate when he moved to Kent five years ago. ‘So I’ve been pleasantly surprised that most of our customers are locals who live within a 20-minute walk.’

Wilson admits that Sandgate is more upmarket than its neighbour – ‘it’s a wealthier crowd here’ – which dictates a wine offering that in his words is ‘less hipsterish’ than Folkestone. ‘We have more of a focus on wines such as Chablis and Puligny-Montrachet: classic wines which people will recognise.’

Sager + Wilde's Hackney Road bar in east London

Wilson traces the current wine-bar revival to Sager + Wilde, which began as a pop-up on Old Street in east London in 2012 before opening two permanent sites in east London. ‘Instead of the cheesy 1980s associations, wine bars have become fun places to hang out,’ he says, ‘serving wine in a more considered environment and with the bonhomie of an Australian pub.’

The gender split is more equal these days; Wilson says that at John Dory it’s 50:50, with many female customers happy to sit by themselves in the window with a book – ‘whereas a pub dictates that you have to chat to someone and engage with the environment’.

Even if his bar does pour certain Old World vintages he rejects any comparison with the wine bars of yore. ‘It’s a lot more democratic now. Historically, if you knew about wine in this country, it’s because you came from a wealthy family and you spent your time in restaurants rather than down the pub. I lived in Australia, where they don’t have that class system, plus it’s a big wine-producing country so they’re a lot more laid-back about how they serve wine. I wanted to bring that casual ethos to the John Dory.’ He says that ‘I’m not a wine connoisseur’ is what he hears the most from first-time customers. ‘And the answer to that is, well, you don’t need to be. All that matters is whether you like a wine or you don’t.’

Wine consultant Zeren Wilson traces the wine bar revival to London pop-up Sager + Wilde Credit: Louis Fernando

He thinks that independent wine merchants deserve a lot of the credit for the current mini-boom in regional wine bars; he himself got his first job in Oddbins in 2003 before it was bought by French company Castel and says the fact that he could be pouring a Vosne-Romanée while wearing trainers and a Megadeath T-shirt encapsulates the ‘controlled anarchy’ that came out of the original independent spirit of Oddbins.

Down the coast in West Sussex, Rob Maynard opened Chanctonbury Wines in the South Downs town of Steyning last October; as of last month the wine merchant has expanded into a 15-seat wine bar – though that isn’t a description the 31-year-old would use. ‘I think the more modern phrase and one that people are starting to correlate with quality is “bottle shop”.’

Whatever one chooses to call it, the locals are thrilled: as soon as the retail side opened, Maynard was swamped with requests to offer a drink-in option. He describes Steyning as an affluent town of 6,000 residents, an hour from Brighton on the bus and with no train station. ‘It’s got three pubs and that’s it really. There are commuters who go out in London, a growing amount of young remote workers, and retirees. It’s somewhere that has gone through the process of shedding options for places to drink. But if local people could have a lovely glass of wine and a nice plate of ham here, they would.’

Chanctonbury Wines originally just sold bottles, now it offers seating inside

Maynard says that initially opening as a retail business employing one person (him) meant Chanctonbury began life as a ‘very lean’, low-margin, low-cost enterprise. ‘If you then put in the facility to be able to open a bottle of wine, pour it into a glass and drink it with a bit of corkage, then because you’ve built the business from a retail structure, your costs haven’t really increased but your revenue and your margin have.’

He credits the post-pandemic relaxing of commercial planning laws as one reason for the growth in micro wine bars like his; another is consumers’ thirst for the sort of quality products they were ordering online to drink at home during lockdown. ‘Taking on a pub is extremely difficult,’ he says. ‘It’s extremely expensive, and once you’ve taken it on, you’re extremely limited in what you can do. The sector is dominated by pubcos with really poor offerings. Whereas for 10 per cent of the cost, anyone can take on a classy unit anywhere in the country and do whatever they like with it so that 20 or so customers can enjoy themselves.’

Despite being in the middle of Sussex wine country, Maynard stocks almost no English producers because he can’t justify selling something that might be cheaper from the cellar door 10 minutes away. Instead, he works with small importers to deliver ‘eclectic bottles that present better value and more excitement’.

Chanctonbury Wines mainly stocks 'eclectic', imported wines over local ones

It’s not just hard-to-source wine Maynard offers; since the Sussex Produce Company, an upmarket grocer’s on the opposite side of Steyning High Street, closed, locals have struggled to access high-quality produce on their doorstep such as coppa ham and Sussex tomatoes. ‘But we’re definitely not offering anything that requires a chef,’ he laughs, grateful to have stepped away from the day-to-day running of his Hove restaurant Wild Flor to spend more time with his two young kids.

But given that, in Maynard’s words, businesses such as his are ‘opening a bottle of wine and cutting a bit of cheese’, what is the appeal of an offering that doesn’t differ wildly from a night at the kitchen table at home? ‘People love going out but, beyond London, often the only option to drink the wine they want would be to go to a restaurant and have a full dinner,’ he says.

Instead, Maynard’s customers pay a flat rate of £10 corkage to drink on the premises. ‘Consumers now are more conscious of what they are drinking, so they are drinking less but drinking better. And they go to bed a lot earlier than they used to. The idea of sitting in a pub until midnight has declined; I went to the pub the other day and it emptied at nine o’clock. But the idea of going out at six, enjoying some wine and heading home at half past seven is a definite phenomenon.’ And one to raise a glass to wherever one lives.

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