Dear Richard

I recently had to go and pick my daughter up from my former parents-in-law after a family party. It was tense but cordial – I haven’t really seen much of them since my husband and I split up three years ago. 

While I was faffing around retrieving my daughter’s things, I followed her into a sitting room at the back of the house where there were lots of framed family pictures. I didn’t expect to feature in these, but I couldn’t help noticing that there were at least two pictures from which I had been digitally airbrushed out so they just showed my ex and our daughter!

I was a bit miffed, but I didn’t mention it to my former in-laws. I think they were pictures that they had taken on days out, but as they are not what you would call tech-savvy, it crossed my mind that they’d been manipulated by my ex. Perhaps this sort of thing is normal now, but it made me feel weird. What do you think?

— Sarah, via email

Dear Sarah

Well at least they haven’t drawn bunny ears on your head or added a comedy moustache! What do I think? I think in the great lexicon of post-divorce issues, this one barely flickers on to the radar. At most it merits a wry smile. Look, Sarah, you have zero control over what photos your former in-laws choose to put on display in their own home. And neither should you have. Any more than they could insist on their images adorning your own walls.  

Meanwhile, as you say, it could well be that it’s your ex who’s digitally deleted you from the pictures, with or without his parents’ knowledge or approval. So what? Yes, it’s petty behaviour and, frankly, pretty pathetic, but maybe that’s one of the reasons the two of you are no longer together, hmm? 

I don’t think it makes a blind bit of difference to your daughter whether you are or you are not featured in a couple of snapshots in her grandparents’ house. I doubt she’s even noticed the alteration. So let this one slide. Don’t mention what you noticed either to your ex or his parents. I’m sure with a little girl to bring up, you can see the bigger picture. 

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