Parents’ evenings were the highlight of my year growing up. My mother and father would nod proudly, smiling as teachers relayed situations where I’d demonstrated natural leadership and maturity beyond my years in class. 

I was a “pleasure to teach” – a character trait associated with “Eldest Daughter Syndrome”, a non-medical diagnosis conceived by therapist Kati Morton. In a TikTok video that has since gone viral, Morton outlined eight characteristics of first-born daughters. Watching it was like hearing my own personality intricately described.

As the eldest daughter to three brothers who think I’m bossy and always have to be right, I was the first to do everything in my family – from talk and walk to go to university. That came with a huge pressure to achieve and succeed and a set of character traits that it seems other first-born daughters share. 

Yasmin Floyer pictured with her three brothers on her wedding day

So what are they, how can we recognise them, and how can we navigate the challenges they bring? 

You struggle saying “no”

I can’t help but pick up the phone whenever someone in the family calls. I feel like I’m rejecting them if I don’t. And that inability to leave calls unanswered extends to saying “no” to people – and especially when they need help. During lockdown, when imposed restrictions stopped me from being as responsive as I am usually, I actually felt a sense of relief.  

According to senior health psychologist Dr Sula Windgassen, it can be commonplace for first-born daughters to defer to the needs and wants of others. It may not even occur to us to say no to things, or even state our preference or opinion.

But, Dr Windgassen cautions, “If we rely on purely external forces and situations to say ‘no’ for us, we lose the ability to make positive choices for ourselves. This can create more anxiety and less confidence.” 

When lockdown ended, I slipped into a tendency of using excuses instead of simply saying “no”.  This is avoidance, says Dr Windgassen, which can erode trust in relationships, while also making us feel as though we lack power to define the terms of your relationships. She suggests practising saying “I need to prioritise some time to myself” or “I’d love to spend time with you, but I don’t really want to spend that much on …”. 

“This can change your relationship with yourself, giving you more confidence, which can positively change your relationships with others,” she explains. “People respect being told the truth, even if they don’t like it.”

There’s an intense burden of responsibility 

I was like a third, responsible parent from a young age, always reminding my siblings to clear up or lecturing them about revision. Behavioural scientist and author of books including Hysterical: Exploding The Myth of Gendered Emotions, Dr Pragya Agarwal, reminds that in some cultures, the firstborn is even expected to take care of their parents into old age. 

Floyer: 'I was like a third, responsible parent from a young age'

Eldest daughters are primed to take on a disproportionate amount of responsibility across all aspects of their lives. Research from The Fawcett Society found that parents inadvertently reinforce gender stereotypes, with 53 per cent of women believing that these affect who takes on caring duties. 

“In order to overcome feelings of intense responsibility, interrogate what and to whom you are truly responsible for, and where to draw the line between your own responsibilities and the responsibilities of others,” Dr Agarwal advises.

You’re a highly driven overachiever

Drive and ambition is common among firstborns. Researchers of a 2018 study published in The Reporter, found a connection between birth placement and economic success, and intelligence (apparently, firstborns tend to have a higher IQ too), all of which feed into the persona of an individual considered to be Type A.  

But beware the downsides of ambition and drive: burnout and a lack of contentment are common as we continue to strive for greater success rather than enjoy what we already have.

She suggests we “redefine what success means” and reframe thinking “towards a growth mindset, rather than fixating on certain short-term goals, or measuring my self-worth based on certain artificial yardsticks set by the society/family context.” 

You resent your siblings and family

Burdened with increased responsibilities and expectations, resentment builds. Left unresolved, it can lead to overwhelming isolation and feelings of “not being heard”. 

“When we’re not aware of how much we put ourselves last, it’s natural that we can resent others whose needs we are constantly prioritising,” Dr Windgassen adds.

If this sounds familiar, Dr Windgassen advises us to write it down. “Get it all out. What is bothering you? What is your family overlooking? What would you want them to know? You don’t need to tell them everything, but expressing any feelings for yourself is important and might clarify where and how you express what you need in the future.”

You worry (a lot)  

According to a 2023 study conducted by the FDA, women are twice as likely as men to develop an anxiety disorder, while another study looking into the association between birth order and mental health problems – published in the psychiatry journal, Frontiers – found that firstborns are more likely to experience emotional distress.

Eldest daughters have a double disadvantage, then, when it comes to suffering worry and anxiety. Dr Agarwal warns that the physical manifestations of poor mental health in women, in particular, from the suppression of emotions such as anger and rage, can result in depression, insomnia and high blood pressure.

It’s worth reflecting on what’s contributing towards these anxieties, she advises. If we can work out what drives these attitudes we can work towards changing them – with professional support if needed.

Floyer with one of her three brothers

You often feel guilt-ridden 

Guilt is meant to alert us when we go against our own values, says Dr Windgassen, which can be helpful. But when we haven’t actually done anything unreasonable it stops being useful.  

Personally I know when I’m unable to meet my own expectations, and particularly when I believe I haven’t met the expectation of others, it comes with a deep sense of guilt, of not doing a good enough job. 

“Clarify what your brain is telling you,” Dr Windgassen tells me, “Then sense-check this information with close and objective others. Practise detaching from mental spirals of guilt when there is nothing else you need to do.” Rather than fixate on this guilt, come up with an alternative activity to refocus your brain away from irrational feelings of guilt. “The guilt might come back, but keep returning to your agreed focus.”

You find adult relationships hard

Any combination of Eldest Daughter Syndrome characteristics, when taken to an extreme, can create difficulties within relationships, especially when problems arise. 

Strong people-pleasing traits, for example, can lead to difficulty in engaging in any sort of disagreement, instead preferring to bury their feelings altogether. 

Dr Windgassen explains that while conflict can be healthy, for those who struggle within adult relationships, any conflict may be perceived as “attacking” and therefore “unsafe”. 

“This may lead you to avoid conflict, to withdraw or to over-control,” she says, adding  that assertive communication is key in countering this characteristic. The basic tenets of assertiveness being that you are levelling the playing field. “You’re not putting your own needs and preferences above others – you’re just putting them on equal footing. Identify your own needs and limitations, then work on communicating them assertively. This means talking with a calm, warm, patient tone while still sticking to your non-negotiables.”

You people-please  

The eldest “good girl” often receives praise for being helpful and anticipating the needs of others – yet both reinforce a tendency to people-please.

In her book, Please Yourself: How to Stop People-Pleasing and Transform the Way You Live, therapist Emma Reed Turrell outlines four types of people pleaser, from the “classic” who strives for perfection, to the “pacifier” who keeps the peace at a cost to themselves.

There’s a fine line between raising empathetic children and those who are “eager to please” warns Dr Agarwal, the latter not being a good thing. Firstborns shouldn’t have to create comfort for others at the cost of their own feelings. “As women, we learn to suppress some of the emotions that are perceived as negative at the cost of our own discomfort,” says Agarwal. “We should reflect on this, and the cost of saying no to people.”

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