Students, eh? Diligently going about their campuses, attending lectures, handing essays in on time, revising for exams, protesting about global conflicts and the environment then, when it comes to end of year celebrations, ensuring the events are accessible to all, both in price and physical access, guaranteeing all diets are catered for – religious and ethical – that any packaging is recyclable, making sure there are quiet rooms for people who don’t like fireworks and plenty of soft drinks to those averse to alcohol.

Appalling, no? I even read that this year Emmanuel College, Cambridge, has scrapped its firework display, what with the frightful noise, and will provide warnings to students if the end-of-exam disco threatens any strobe lighting.

Perhaps Homerton College, also of Cambridge, and which is ensuring 80 per cent of its end-of-term ball food will be vegetarian or vegan, will stick posters up over the bar: “Warning: the consumption of alcoholic beverages may lead to dizziness, circular conversation, bad dancing, falling over and snogging.”

Of course, God forbid the latter occurs at today’s university. Because if you haven’t sought (sober) permission in advance, you could find yourself in a whole heap of trouble. I’m glad I went to uni when I did and when the idea was to be young and foolish, to have an anarchic blast, to do a bit of studying too, but in general to attack the experience with good old-fashioned empty-headed hedonism.

Like many, our manual of behaviour at The University of Kent at Canterbury was the film Withnail and I. Thus duly, after a long day in the pub, we would order ‘a pair of quadruple whiskies and another pair of pints’ and then hope we’d have the same sort of day tomorrow. When thirsty (and only when thirsty, we didn’t ‘hydrate’) we drank water from the tap.

Occasionally, we discussed world events but we did it more for sport. In fact, Keith, landlord of the Old Locomotive by Canterbury West station, bought and installed a pulpit up which he would send us if he thought our conversations were becoming too serious and ‘views’ were being expressed.

He used to play a song by George Melly, Give Her a Little Drop More, with the line: “Nothing primordial on blackcurrant cordial”, and he would let us stay at the bar ‘til 2am as long we promised to back for a gin and tonic at 9am. 

Of course, while we tried to ape Withnail, we achieved little more than drinking in the pub and reciting the lines. And while we aimed for sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, it was more ale and pork scratchings.

But we had a blast, we made great friendships and we had no phones and no social media to spoil the fun. I remember a few folk went up to London for a little poll tax riot action but my pals and I were more worried about decorating the house we rented with wine bottles.

The sitting room had a high shelf that wrapped around the room and we discovered that a particular brand of Frascati fitted the slot perfectly. It took a few weeks and considerable time and investment, but we did it.

And I did actually hand in my essays on time and attended most of my lectures (in politics and government). Yet that hedonism was, I think, vital, and it contrasts with life today (still a smattering of fun, don’t worry, but not on quite the same scale). If you were once infantile, foolish and carefree then you have a benchmark from which to improve.

In the same way that most radicals become more conservative over time so we should start stupid then mature and aim to get cleverer.

If the starting point is seriousness, sensibility and silence then where’s the room to move on, to develop? And let’s be honest here, no one will ever congratulate you, hold you up as an example of someone with character, if you simply maintain a modest existence throughout life.

If you don’t believe me consider the adulation heaped upon those who are recovering addicts and alcoholics. Isn’t it marvellous how they have stayed off the booze and narcotics for so long, how they no longer go out for lunch, then get trashed and disappear for five days?

They are saluted for their strength of character and resilience. You don’t get the same acclamation if you simply maintain a line of sobriety, if you can have a long boozy lunch one day and spend the next six days refreshed by tea and the occasional cold glass of white wine at 7pm.

To be judged a fine and strong human you have to fall off the cliff, clamber back up, then it’s high fives and spiritual salutations all round.

Your student days are the days to flex your character, to find out who actually you ought not to be. You’ll spend the rest of your life grappling with global issues, domestic strife and penury. So don’t waste it. Go in hard, go mad, make a fool of yourself, drink yourself stupid and make some fabulous memories. Then sober the hell up and get sensible for the rest of your life.

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