The Manchester City football stadium, Monday May 16, 7pm. Twenty-six men, most of them strangers to each other, gather in a well-appointed conference room. In a circle of chairs they sit, sip their tea and begin to talk.

A ball is thrown and the recipient introduces himself to the group. Then they begin to answer the regular questions that every member of the group will tackle: “How’s your week been? Name one positive thing that’s happened in the past seven days. Anything to get off your chest?” These are simple, unintimidating yet powerful conversation starters. Slowly, the group begins to open up.

This was the first gathering of Andy’s Man Club – the nationwide network of men’s support groups – to have been hosted by Manchester City. “Men feel at home inside a football club,” says Omar Latif, a long time attendee of Andy’s Man club meetings who helped facilitate the group. “I could see right away that the new people felt more confident in that environment. There was such a warm atmosphere.”

Latif first visited an Andy’s Man Club meeting in central Manchester five years ago. “I was going through a very dark time and having suicidal thoughts,” he says. “The support I got from the group helped save me. Now I’m trying to give back by helping organise groups like this one.”

The group at the club was representative of the surrounding part of east Manchester. “It’s a traditionally working class area that’s become a bit more gentrified recently,” says Latif. “The guys who came along were a mix – some business owners, some who worked for corporations, a few unemployed, some tradesmen.

“They ranged from their 20s to their 70s. It was racially mixed too. What brought everyone together quickly was the football thing. Most were City fans but there were a few United and Liverpool too. They joked about being on enemy territory and the banter started flying, which relaxed everyone.”

I attended an Andy’s Man Club meeting in Peterborough five years ago and was terrified at the prospect of talking about my feelings to men I had never met. I was even more scared that the atmosphere would be earnest, mawkish or patronising – like most men, I find sustained seriousness very uncomfortable and my greatest fear is being pitied.

It was the (sometimes dark, sometimes daft) humour of that group that put me at ease and helped me eventually engage on a deeper level. With men, humour seems to me the magic ingredient. Here it was no different. “People talked about the breakdown of their relationships, how much they hated their jobs or just the fact that they were depressed, lonely or isolated,” says Latif. “But five minutes later someone would crack a joke and we’d all be laughing. That is the essence of Andy’s Man Club. It can go from tears to laughter very quickly.”

When Manchester City decided they wanted to do something to support local men, they knew they needed partners who understood the subtle art of helping reluctant men to open up.

“In recent years, we’ve seen an increasing number of male fans dying by suicide,” says Danny Wilson, an operations director at Manchester City. “The number of minute silences have increased on matchdays. We found out that east Manchester has seen on of the biggest spikes in death by suicide in recent years. So we decided we wanted to do more to help support people who were struggling.”

Andy’s Man Club were the perfect partners: their clubs have been meeting all over the UK for seven years, guided by the simple maxim: “It’s OK to talk.”

“We could see they were making a real difference to men all over the country,” says Wilson. “We knew they had often collaborated with sports clubs and thought it would be a good fit. So we committed to start hosting meetings for them every Monday night at the Etihad.”

Suicide remains the biggest killer of men under the age of 50 in the UK. Over 4,000 men took their own lives in 2022 (accounting for around three quarters of all suicides). Talking helps – but getting men to open up about their feelings is notoriously hard. Football offers a powerful solution.

“Although things are changing, there is still a stigma among men when it comes to talking about mental health,” says Luke Ambler, the founder and chief executive of Andy’s Man Club.  “But if your football club is inviting you to talk, that’s a huge incentive. There is a trust that exists between a football club and its fans. If City reaches out to their fans and tell them about us, it immediately breaks down barriers and makes men who might otherwise have been skeptical consider getting involved.”

Ambler, a former rugby league pro, started the club in 2016, in response to the suicide of his brother in law, Andy. he had been struggling for some time but no one in Andy’s family had any idea that his situation had become so severe. There had been no warning signs.

Ambler believed that, had he felt more able to talk to others about his feelings, his brother-in-law would still be alive. And so he launched the Monday night get togethers with the goal of making the whole ‘tell me about your feelings’ thing seem a bit more relaxed and accessible to blokes like him. They were endorsed by Ricky Gervais and Danny Cipriani. Their ultimate aim was to halve the suicide rate in the UK.

Luke Ambler competing in the RLEF European Championships in 2014 Credit: Colm O'Neill/Shutterstock

Since then they have helped thousands of men open up – and have saved lives along the way. Just before his 40th birthday, Alex McClintock tried to take his own life. He had been suffering a period of deep depression and alcoholism after the break up of his marriage. His suicide attempt failed but the feelings that had driven it remained.

“I wanted to get better for the sake of my daughter,” he says. “But I didn’t know where to turn for help.” Then, in 2017, he heard about a group of men who got together at the rugby club in Halifax every Monday evening and just…talked. Alex lived in Perth, Scotland but decided that it was worth the long journey south to see what Andys Man Club was all about.

“I was terrified of entering the room and talking about my feelings,” he says. “I’d never done it before. I managed to convince my best mate to come with me for moral support but I planned on just listening silently. When I heard the other men start to talk and share their struggles, I could relate to so much of what they were saying. And that gave me the strength and courage to share my own stuff. By the time I left that meet-up I felt 10 feet tall, like a weight was off my shoulders. It was actually a buzz. And it changed my life.”

Since the days of one meeting in Halifax, attended by a couple of dozen local men, Andy’s Man Club has grown into a thriving organisation. There are 190 free support groups meeting every week across the whole of the UK collectively attended by over 4,500 men. More than just a social: mental health professionals are convinced of the group’s clinical efficacy.

“There are very few forums where men can safely talk about their feelings without fear of judgment,” says Chip Somers, a psychotherapist and addiction expert . “These groups will help men deal with their emotions, hear others with similar thoughts and help them feel less isolated. Anywhere men go and get their feelings validated will greatly help mental health and well being for them.”

Dr Niall Campbell, a consultant psychiatrist at The Priory Hospital in London, agrees: “There is nothing more toxic than negative, depressive, self-critical, anxious and sometimes embarrassing thoughts going round and round in our heads and not being able to share them with someone,” he says. “Research shows that medication can do so much but talking with others in group therapy with a shared desire to get better really does aid recovery.”

The need for these groups is clear – but raising awareness of their existence and convincing stand-offish men that it’s worth a try remains the biggest challenge.

By reaching out directly to their thousands of local fans, Manchester City are able to turbo-boost the marketing of a group that once relied on a few fliers posted around Halifax. They can also play a deeper role in removing stigma.

“The big barriers for men remain burden, weakness and embarrassment,” explains Ambler. “Whatever you’ve got going on in your life, you can feel as if others have got their own worries so you don’t want to bother them. Showing vulnerability can make men feel weak, as if they’ve lost a bit of masculine energy and can’t cope with life.

“Men were designed to lead but, if they show weakness, they can feel as if they’ve dampened their ability to do that. And we can feel embarrassed too – at the prospect of showing vulnerability and being the victim of banter or teasing. One of the best ways to confront all of these stigmas is an endorsement from people who are respected and admired.”

Luke: 'Showing vulnerability can make men feel weak, as if they've lost a bit of masculine energy and can't cope with life' Credit: Paul Cooper

“To so many men, football is like a religion. If their club tells them something is okay, then they accept that. We’ve worked with numerous football clubs and discovered they can make such a huge difference to the way these issues are perceived.”

Wilson is keenly aware of Manchester City’s ability to bring about change: “We know it takes a lot for some men to find the courage to walk into a room full of strangers and share their struggles,” he says. “But we also know that going to football is like having a second family. People have been coming to the Etihad to watch City for 20 years now and with familiarity comes comfort. They know they are going to be surrounded by like-minded people and maybe that will help them open up more easily.”

It has become increasingly easy to feel cynical towards top level football in recent years: a whiff of greed, hubris and indulgence sometimes accompanies the elite of the game. But whatever their size, football clubs are essentially community organisations with the ability to be a force for good.

Manchester City’s partnership with Andy’s Man Club is a reminder of that.  “This club was formed, like many others, to allow football to bring people together and help them face life’s challenges,” says Wilson. 

“The challenges might have changed over the years but our role in helping people face them remains the same.”

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