Rishi Sunak has created a new position - and given David Cameron a deputy - after suffering his third ministerial resignation is as many weeks.

Energy minister Graham Stuart quit saying he would “fully support” Mr Sunak from the backbenches but wanted to focus on issues in his constituency.

He is the latest senior minister to stand down as the Tories face the prospect of a disastrous defeat at the general election.

Last month former armed forces minister James Heappey and education minister Robert Halfon both resigned and announced they would not stand again.

Liberal Democrat deputy leader Daisy Cooper said the drumbeat of Conservative resignations was becoming “deafening” as ministers find “any excuse they can to get away from this deeply unpopular Conservative government”.

In a mini-reshuffle replacing Mr Stuart the PM appointed Andrew Mitchell to the new position of Deputy Foreign Secretary.

Downing Street said Foreign Office minister Mr Mitchell has been given the "honorific title" on Friday.

The move comes just a day after current Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron was described as acting like a prime minister on world stage by his friend, and former chancellor, George Osborne.

He also raised eyebrows this week with a surprise meeting with Donald Trump in Florida in which they discussed Ukraine and other issues.

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