Former prime minister Liz Truss has endorsed Donald Trump to win this year’s US presidential election.

Ms Truss, Britain’s shortest-serving prime minister, said the “world was safer” under Trump’s presidency as she criticised incumbent Joe Biden.

The former PM, who was in office for 49 days, suggested it “has to be” Trump following the US presidential election due to take place in November.

“I don’t think (President Joe) Biden has been particularly supportive to the United Kingdom. I think he’s often on the side of the EU. And I certainly think I would like to see a new president in the White House,” she told LBC.

Read the latest updates on Truss’s new book here

Ms Truss claimed the former president’s economic policies “were actually very effective”, adding: “He cut regulation, he cut taxes, he liberated the US energy supply. And this is why the US has had significantly higher economic growth than Britain.. In foreign affairs, he was more effective at preventing aggressive regimes expanding and I think we’d be in a different position if he got re-elected in 2020.”

She doubled-down on these comments, telling the BBC: “I do agree that under Donald Trump when he was president of the United States, the world was safer.

“I want to work with fellow conservatives to take on what I believe is a real threat of Western society and civilization being undermined by left-wing extreme ideas.”

However, Ms Truss added she doesn’t agree with “absolutely everything he's ever said”.

Liz Truss speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February (Getty Images)

Her comments come as the first of Mr Trump's four criminal trials began in New York.

The failed PM also said she would support Nigel Farage "becoming an MP" if he were to re-join the Conservative party.

Ms Truss was speaking to mark the launch of her new book, Ten Years to Save the West, which was released on Tuesday.

In her memoir, she defended her approach to the disastrous mini-budget which sent the pound into a nose dive and sparked a crash in the markets.

She claimed the “pro-Remain” Treasury, Bank of England and Office for Budget Responsibility were “barriers to our plans”.

Ms Truss has previously been criticised for her claims stating she had seen it for herself first-hand as unnamed figures and bodies “sabotaged my efforts in Britain to cut taxes, reduce the size of government and restore democratic accountability”.

She has struggled to explain what she means by the deep state.

The former PM recently spoke at a pro-Trump conference in the US, delivering an apocalyptic warning that “the West is doomed” unless right-wing politicians like her are put in power to save it.

The failed PM is now striving to place herself at the forefront of a new brand of right-wing politics, recently launching her so-called Popular Conservatism movement.

The Popular Conservatism group claims it is not a direct challenge to Mr Sunak’s leadership, but it wants to pile pressure on the prime minister to cut taxes, adopt hardline policies on immigration and leave the European Convention on Human Rights.

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