Scientists dub elephant ‘queen of showering’ after learning to wash itself with hose John Wicky | 09/11/2024
Should elephants have human rights? It’s closer to happening than you might think John Wicky | 26/10/2024
Should elephants have the same rights as people? A Colorado court may decide COLLEEN SLEVIN | 25/10/2024
Amateur fossil hunter uncovers 7ft-long fully intact giant mammoth tusk near Mississippi stream John Wicky | 20/08/2024
Prehistoric Quicksand Trap Found Containing Remains of Doomed Elephants Aristos Georgiou | 13/07/2024
List of threatened species grows by 1,000, but conservation efforts bring hope for some animals TAIWO ADEBAYO | 02/07/2024
Elephants have nicknames for each other, scientists find in 'really exciting' discovery John Wicky | 11/06/2024
Elephants have nicknames for each other, scientists find in 'really exciting' discovery John Wicky | 11/06/2024
Deforestation in Indonesia spiked last year, but resources analyst sees better overall trend VICTORIA MILKO | 29/04/2024