The Prime Minister looked visibly relieved on Wednesday morning after the Office for National Statistics (ONS) confirmed that inflation had fallen to the Bank of England’s 2pc target. 

British households will be hoping that the fall marks the beginning of the end of a painful chapter that has seen them endure prices rising at the fastest level in more than 40 years. 

But even as inflation falls back to the Bank of England’s target for the first time in three years, Threadneedle Street’s policymakers are unlikely to ride to Rishi Sunak’s rescue when they meet on Thursday. 

These are the charts that show why the Bank of England is not yet ready to cut interest rates from their 16-year-high of 5.25pc. 

Headline inflation

The headline rate of inflation has eased significantly from a high of 11.1pc in October 2022 to 2pc in the year to May.

The fall means that for the first time in nearly three years, prices in shops are rising at a normal level.

However, this does not mean things are getting cheaper for households. Average living costs are still up by a fifth since inflation started rising from the Bank’s target in July 2021. 

This has largely been driven by energy prices, which have surged by 66pc during this period, and food by 31pc, according to the Resolution Foundation.

Meanwhile, many households are also struggling to cope with record rent rises and soaring mortgage bills. 

James Smith, research director at the Resolution Foundation, says: “The legacy of a long period of very high inflation means there is unlikely to be much of a feel-good factor among families, as they continue to struggle with the higher cost of essentials.”

Food and energy 

Food and energy prices were the two main drivers of the surge in inflation over the past three years, largely triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a jump in spending after pandemic lockdowns ended. 

While food price rises have slowed to 1.7pc in the year to May from a high of 19.2pc in March 2023, the cost of many daily groceries is still rising fast.

Dairy products such as eggs, milk and cheese are becoming more expensive, while the price of cooking oils are also rising.

The average cost of olive oil is 135pc higher than when inflation was last at 2pc in July 2021, egg prices have risen by 47pc over the same period.

However, price rises are slowing for most other food items, with the cost of bread, vegetables and chocolate all easing.

Meanwhile, lower gas and electricity prices have helped bring down the overall rate of inflation.

But the ONS notes that when factoring in housing costs, rising council tax and mortgage bills, this “more than offset” the decline in food prices. 

Core inflation

Food, energy, alcohol and tobacco prices tend to be volatile, so are viewed as crucial by the Bank of England when it comes to determining whether borrowing costs can be lowered.

Its economists see core inflation as an indicator of underlying price pressures that the headline rate of inflation sometimes hides. 

On this front, Wednesday’s data shows things are moving in the right direction. 

Core inflation fell to 3.5pc in line with expectations in the year to May from 3.9pc in April.

One reason is that the average cost of goods such as furniture, clothes and electronics is 1.3pc lower than a year ago.

Rob Wood, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, warns that declines of this size are unlikely to be sustained, which may make it difficult to keep inflation at 2pc.

“Food and non-energy goods inflation have no further to fall now they have converged to producer output price inflation,” he says. “Meanwhile, Ofgem will likely hike the utility price cap by 12pc in October after wholesale energy costs have risen.”

Mr Wood adds that these factors have helped knock off 9.1 percentage points of inflation since its peak.

Services inflation 

The Bank of England’s biggest concern is now how fast the prices of services such as getting a haircut, hiring a cleaner or enjoying a meal out are rising. This is the fly in the ointment. 

Services inflation was still high at 5.7pc in May, easing only marginally from 5.9pc the previous month. 

Analysts had expected it would fall to 5.5pc, but this was scuppered by price rises in restaurants and hotels. 

It comes after a record cash increase in the national living wage to £11.44 in April, handing workers a pay boost of almost 10pc. 

Analysts at HSBC earlier this week warned that Labour’s plans to create a “genuine” living wage risked inflaming such inflationary pressures further, ultimately leading to higher mortgage rates. 

Sanjay Raja, from Deutsche Bank, says the costs of services will fuel concerns about persistent price pressures, as they are also rising faster than the Bank of England had predicted. 

“This, we think, will raise the bar for an August rate cut,” he says. “For now, markets have pared back rate cut bets this year, suggesting a stickier Bank Rate path through the coming months.”


Finally, it is worth noting that the backdrop to the inflation figures is wages, which are still growing fast. 

The ONS last week said regular pay, which excludes bonuses, grew at 6pc in three months to March. 

This was before the rise in the minimum wage in April and is far higher than what is seen as consistent with low inflation. 

A further softening of the jobs market will be crucial to avoid wage rises continuing to spill into higher costs of services.

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