By 2025, it’s estimated that over one million people in the UK will have a diagnosis of dementia. It’s a sobering thought, but new research suggests that 40 per cent of these cases could be delayed or prevented by prioritising a healthy and active lifestyle. 

Although this sounds encouraging – losing weight, getting fit and drinking less alcohol are noble goals – but they require a level of commitment that many of us struggle to sustain. So, it’s hardly surprising that we’re increasingly inclined to reach for vitamins and supplements to try to stave off memory loss – especially if we can’t quite manage to surrender all our bad habits. 

According to US figures, the global brain health supplements market was valued at $7.6 billion in 2021, and is expected to reach $15.59 billion by 2030, driven by an ageing population desperate to find out how to prevent dementia. 

What exactly is dementia and what are the signs?

Dementia is an umbrella term for a range of different conditions that affect the brain and cognitive function. There are several different types of dementia but, in the UK, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common, followed by vascular dementia. Less common types include dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia, mixed dementia and young-onset dementia. 

According to the Alzheimer’s Society, the type of dementia can affect people in different ways, especially in the early stages. However, the most common dementia symptoms include memory loss, difficulty planning or organising, problems with language and communication, changes in perception (including delusions and hallucinations), losing track of the time or date, and mood changes. 

“If you find that you are getting more forgetful, that things are getting worse and it’s causing difficulties that are new to you, it can be helpful to check in with people around you to see if they’ve noticed. At this point, I would encourage people to talk to their GP,” says Claudia Cooper, a professor of psychological medicine at Queen Mary University of London, and co-director of a new Dementia and Neurodegeneration Policy Research Unit (DeNRRU). 

How at risk are we of getting dementia?

“We all have a certain risk of getting dementia, which is determined by our genetics, lifestyle and stress levels, and our individual experiences,” says Prof Cooper. “We can all take steps to reduce this risk. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, but we know taking positive steps to support your cognitive wellbeing is the most empowering and helpful way forward.”

Can dementia be reversed?

Although there is currently no cure for dementia, an enormous amount of research is underway to find out if the progression of dementia-causing diseases can be slowed or stopped in their tracks. For example, scientists are currently studying stem cells in order to find out how damage to the brain begins and how it could be halted, and immunotherapies are being explored as possible ways to boost the body’s defences. 

The Clarity study is measuring how effective the monoclonal antibody lecanemab (aka BAN2401) is at preventing or delaying the very early stages of Alzheimer’s, and other research suggests that the drug donanemab can result in a modest slowdown in progression of the disease.

“These are some very exciting new drugs, and in people with mild Alzheimer’s, it looks like these have the potential to slow things down,” explains Prof Cooper. “This makes it a bit more important that we look at early detection, so that people are better placed to access potential treatments.”

Which vitamins can prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s?

“The relationship between supplements and dementia prevention or improvement of cognitive function is a complex and evolving area of research,” explains registered nutritionist Charlotte Faure Green. 

However, she explains that, in some instances, there may be a good case for taking supplements to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s. “As we age, the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients may worsen. Factors such as reduced stomach acid production, changes in digestive enzymes, and alterations in the gastrointestinal tract can contribute to decreased absorption of nutrients. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone should automatically take supplements, it does highlight the importance of paying attention to nutrient needs as we get older, including those pertaining to brain health.”

B vitamins

“If someone comes to see their doctor about memory problems, we will check their folate and vitamin B12 levels as a routine part of the NHS work-up,” explains Prof Cooper. This is because research indicates that the B vitamins are believed to be protective against Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline. 

Faure Green warns that supplementation may also be necessary if you’re taking prescription medication. “Medications like metformin, commonly used for diabetes, may lower absorption of essential nutrients, such as vitamin B12. This can lead to potential deficiencies impacting neurological function. PPIs and H2 blockers, which are commonly prescribed for stomach acid issues, can also affect nutrient absorption and lead to deficiencies which may impact brain health and cognition.” She adds: “Those taking medications should discuss any potential for dietary adjustments and/or supplementation with their healthcare provider.” 

Ginkgo biloba

“Ginkgo biloba has been studied for its potential cognitive benefits,” says Faure Green. “Ginkgo leaves contain flavonoids and terpenoids, which are both antioxidants, and while some studies have shown modest improvements in cognitive function and memory, the overall evidence is not strong, and results have been inconsistent.”

Omega-3 fatty acids

“Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, may have a protective effect on cognitive function and may reduce the risk of dementia, including vascular dementia and frontotemporal dementia,” says Faure Green. “Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain – both of which may contribute towards the development of dementia. However, more research is needed to establish a clear connection.”

Vitamin E

“Early studies suggested that vitamin E might have a protective effect against cognitive decline, but more recent research has been inconclusive,” Faure Green adds. “It is important to note that high doses of vitamin E may even be associated with certain risks.” Although rare, vitamin E toxicity can cause bleeding, muscle weakness, fatigue, nausea, diarrhoea and dizziness. 

Glucosamine MSM

Recent research found that daily glucosamine use was associated with a 15 per cent lower risk of dementia, 17 per cent reduced risk of Alzheimer’s, and 26 per cent reduced risk of vascular dementia. 

“Having long been used for joint health, emerging data suggests that glucosamine could have neuroprotective and anti-neuroinflammatory effects which lower dementia risk,” explains Faure Green. 

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