Knowing that they helped spur on the biggest overhaul in military justice in 70 years provides a modicum of comfort for the family of Specialist Vanessa Guillen.

However, every day of the remainder of their lives will always be overshadowed by her brutal murder.

On April 22, 2020, then Private First Class Vanessa, a member of the United States 3rd Cavalry Regiment, was bludgeoned to death with a hammer in the armoury at Fort Hood, Texas. Her body was then dismembered, burned and buried.

Guillen’s remains were found two months later, after which her killer, Specialist E4 (equivalent to a corporal) Aaron Robinson fatally shot himself with a handgun to avoid arrest.

In the last weeks of her life, a miserable and anxious Guillen had complained to her family that she was suffering sexual harassment by a military superior.

Following her killing, her mother Gloria Guillen met with President Trump in the Oval Office calling for justice and an improvement in how such complaints were handled by the military. Pfc Guillen was posthumously advanced to the rank of Specialist.

Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy ordered an independent review of Fort Hood, which unearthed a litany of leadership failures and an epidemic of sex crimes. The report said that, in the face of this toxicity, some female soldiers at Fort Hood had “to slip into survival mode, vulnerable and preyed upon, but fearful to report and be ostracized and re-victimised”.

Fourteen members of the command structure, including Fort Hood commander Major General Scott Efflandt, were disciplined. Details of the Guillen case prompted a country-wide spasm of horror but the treatment of sex assault victims within the United States military has long been a chronic, festering problem.

The Navy was hit by the Tailhook scandal in 1991, when it was alleged that up to 83 women and seven men were attacked by Navy and Marine aviation officers at a symposium at the Las Vegas Hilton. Despite Congress ordering an investigation, the three Courts Martial were dismissed and no officers were tried for the alleged sexual assaults, though some were disciplined at “Admiral’s Mast”, a lower level proceeding which still had the effect of ending several careers. Other Tailhook officers or those deemed not to have done enough to investigate the incident were dismissed from their posts and/or from the service, and others had promotions held up or stopped by Congress due to having been present at Tailhook.

Despite Tailhook’s far-reaching repercussions, statistics gradually worsened. Other scandals followed, showing that toxic pockets of misogyny still stained the service.

In 2017, Marines were found to have swapped photos of naked colleagues through a private Facebook group, which resulted in over 100 prosecutions and eleven courts-martial. Recently the Navy investigated the uploading of more than 100 non-consensual sexual videos of service members shot at its Guam Naval Base onto a major adult website.

The Pentagon admitted that one in ten female sailors experienced unwanted sexual contact in 2021, up from 7.5 per cent in 2018, but with fewer cases reported overall. The Marine Corps had the highest percentage of alleged assaults with 13.4 per cent of female Marines reporting unwanted contact, a shocking statistic when you consider that among the civilian US population, 1 per cent of women report sexual crime each year.

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand began her campaign to tackle the poison circulating within the country’s fighting forces in 2013. Working alongside survivors and veterans, she introduced the Military Justice Improvement Act each year, only for it to be repeatedly knocked back.

Gillibrand wanted to take the decision to prosecute alleged assailants away from senior officers within a squadron or warship and put it into the hands of an independent body. She found that 51 per cent of survivors said they were more likely to report an offence under such a system.

But the Pentagon fiercely resisted any reform, citing a potential corrosion of leadership and discipline.

Within the Navy there were, and still are, two ways to report an alleged assault.

A victim can make a restricted complaint, which allows the details of any incident to remain confidential but where he or she can access therapy and treatment for any physical injuries. Alternatively a victim can make an unrestricted report, which gives the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) the green light to investigate.

Yet women have found that even when they make an unrestricted report, there is still a reluctance within NCIS to bring offences before a court martial – despite the fact that NCIS was placed under civilian control as a result of the Tailhook scandal.

The military has also failed to curb abuse, with victims harassed for breaking cover and complaining, while still having to serve alongside their alleged assailant, possibly seeing them every day. Depression, self-harming, suicide and an inability to form intimate relationships are common, even years later.

In the Spring of 2021, just as trust in the Navy to protect its women was at an all-time low, events suddenly snowballed.

In March Gillibrand held a hearing on sexual assault, for which one of the witnesses was the attorney for the family of Vanessa Guillen. Around the same time Secretary of Defense Lloyd J Austin III, a retired Army four-star general, made it one of his first decisions in office to stand up a 90-day Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military.

That June, Gillibrand introduced an amendment to the 2023 National Defence Authorisation Act which passed, establishing a seismic shift in how sexual crime was dealt with. On December 28 last year, the decision to take a case to court martial officially shifted from unit chain of command to newly-established Special Trial Counsels.

The Navy Office of Special Trial Counsel is headed up by Admiral Jon Stephens, with its headquarters in the Navy Yard in Washington DC. Offences such as murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, domestic violence and stalking also fall under the office’s remit.

All Special Trial Counsel members must have served with the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and have a track record in military justice litigation.

It is obviously too soon to tell if this will impact on the US Navy’s woeful statistics and historic failures, but meaningful recognition of the issue and constructive action has finally occurred.

I recently spoke with victims of a historic major British, non-naval military scandal.

They courageously described how their betrayal was two-fold; firstly that inappropriate contact, sexual assault and harassment had taken place, with all the physical and mental health fall-out that came with it. But to then have their plight roundly disbelieved or ignored by senior officers, right up to the top of the service, caused untold additional distress and trauma.

Co-founder of the Independent Defence Authority and former British Army Colonel Phil Ingram said: “I know many victims who have been further traumatised by their chain of command and service police handling of sexual assault and often it seems they try to bury the harassment.”

While British assaults are less widespread than in America, House of Commons Defence Select Committee member Sarah Atherton, in her study into Women in Armed Forces, recommended that serious and sexual crimes were investigated by more experienced civilian police rather than service police.

A Strategy for Tackling Sexual Offending in Defence was announced in July 2022, which established a separate serious crime unit within the Ministry of Defence which now tackles sexual complaints. Here, again, its effectiveness is yet to be proven.

Specialist Vanessa Guillen was buried in a cemetery in her home city of Houston in August 2022, her casket covered with American and Mexican flags. The I Am Vanessa Guillen Act became law later that year criminalising sexual harassment and paving the way for the Special Trial Counsel.

Gloria Guillen said that while she was proud of the legislation, what she really wanted was justice for her daughter.

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