Exercising for 15 minutes per day can have a significant impact on fitness, energy, health, sleep and mood, according to the results of an Australian wellness program.

When 11,575 workers were signed up to a gamified workplace wellness app called the 15 Minute Challenge, participants increased their weekly activity levels by 85 minutes with several benefits.

"In this study, we showed that as little as 15 minutes of physical activity per day can make a big difference when it comes to people's health and wellbeing," lead researcher Ben Singh said in a statement.

A group exercises in an office. The 15 Minute Challenge was a workplace wellness initiative that incentivized physical activity. A group exercises in an office. The 15 Minute Challenge was a workplace wellness initiative that incentivized physical activity. SeventyFour/Getty Images

After six weeks, 95 percent of participants were meeting or exceeding physical activity guidelines: 36 and 56 percent, respectively.

They also reported improvements in fitness (14 percent), energy (12 percent), overall health (8 percent), sleep quality (8 percent) and mood (7 percent).

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommends aiming for at least 150 minutes (2 hours, 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities.

The HSS's 2018 report noted that nearly 80 percent of U.S. adults are not meeting the national guidelines, and that lack of physical activity is linked to about $117 billion in annual health care costs.

On average, those who took part in the 15 Minute Challenge increased their physical activity levels by 85 minutes per week and exercised for about 45 minutes per day—three times what the challenge required.

"The 15-minute goal serves as an accessible starting point, especially for people who are particularly sedentary," Singh said. "It reduces barriers to entry and helps build the habit of regular exercise.

"Ultimately, the 15 minutes is a catalyst for increased physical activity, with many participants ending up exceeding the minimum goal and moving closer to or surpassing national recommendations."

Co-researcher professor Carol Maher said the program was so successful at motivating those on it because it made moving into a game.

"Encouraging and keeping your teammates accountable through friendly competition is central to the 15 Minute Challenge app, and a key part of what motivates participants to stay committed and connected," she said.

"The program encourages team collaboration, to track rankings and display cumulative exercise. Achievements are clearly noted, and successes are celebrated. So, it's certainly a tool that engages people to work together and have fun."

Participants were employees from 73 companies in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, and the challenge was workplace based.

"With the majority of adults spending much of their waking time working, workplaces present ideal settings for promoting physical activity," Singh said.

Colleagues exercise at a workplace. Researchers said the workplace is an ideal setting for wellness initiatives. Colleagues exercise at a workplace. Researchers said the workplace is an ideal setting for wellness initiatives. Sanja Radin/Getty Images

Maher added: "Addressing inactivity is everyone's responsibility. So, if an employer can initiate an effective, enjoyable and cost-effective option to support their employees, it's a win-win.

"Physically active employees are happier and healthier; they are more productive, more satisfied, less stressed and less likely to get sick.

"Sustainable, scalable initiatives—like the 15 Minute Challenge—that can support employees to change their health and well-being for the better should be on every employer's agenda."

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Singh, B., Ferguson, T., Deev, A., Deev, A., & Maher, C. A. (2024). Evaluation of the "15 Minute Challenge": A Workplace Health and Wellbeing Program. Healthcare, 12(13). https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12131255

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